[0.18.26] Involuntary (?) hints to freeplay items in Level 01 of new old tutorial

Suggestions relating to the Introduction and Campaign mode in Factorio
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[0.18.26] Involuntary (?) hints to freeplay items in Level 01 of new old tutorial

Post by valneq »

  1. According to the recipe, iron plates and copper plates can be made in
    • Stone furnace
    • Steel furnace
    • Electric furnace
    but the player only has access to stone furnaces. If you want to keep the latter two deliberately as a hint towards freeplay, you can leave them there. Otherwise, I would remove them from the first level – just to reduce visual clutter for the very new players.
  2. At some point your objective is to “Add the burner mining drill to the quickbar at the bottom of the screen using left click.” However, if you just left click on the quickbar, a large window will open with all possible entities from freeplay that you can set as a filter. Considering that the player just made a burner mining drill, you may want to add “while holding it in the cursor” or something similar. Alternatively, I would suggest removing the visibility of all these different items from the first levels. Then, even if the player just left clicks the quickbar, they will only see the few items that are accessible in level 01 – and level 02 analogously.

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