Air Based Enemies & Anti-Air Defenses

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Air Based Enemies & Anti-Air Defenses

Post by Pyr3x »

I have been playing Factorio for quite some time now and the game play changes have been significant but something has always felt a bit strange, why don't biters utilize some kind of flying type? Wouldn't it be kind of cool to have to not only invest in ground defenses but air too?

I can even see the drones being put at risk by air attacks etc which should help balance drone use by requiring extra care with the need to deploy air based defense outside of base borders etc.
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Re: Air Based Enemies & Anti-Air Defenses

Post by benwillard »

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Flying Bitters

Post by MathieuG89 »

Flying Bitters

What ?
Bitters that can fly similar to Starcraft's Mutalisk

Why ?
- Adds more variety of enemies to the game
- Can fly over water and walls posing a new challenge for the player
- Cannot be killed by artillery reduces the ability to cheese the game
- Would look cool as hell !

Thank you for considering my suggestion
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Re: Air Based Enemies & Anti-Air Defenses

Post by Koub »

[Koub] Merged into older thread with the same suggestion.
Koub - Please consider English is not my native language.
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