Several mods stopped loading in 0.18.22. I don't know whether this was an intentional or accidental change:
Failed to load mods: Error while loading custom-input prototype "inventory-cleanup" (custom-input): Unknown consuming type: all
Modifications: Even Distribution 0.3.17
I swear I got that same error for multiple mods, so I switched to just 'disable all mods'. However, trying to reproduce only Even Distribution is getting the error. I'm happy to report the error there if this is an intentional change.
(PS, if a mod fails while playing the game, the text box it pops up can be selected, but if it fails during load, I cannot copy the text to submit a bug report. However it works in game would be appreciated.)
[0.18.22] Broke mod loading
Re: [0.18.22] Broke mod loading
The mod is using outdated API, just try to update and see if the mod author has fixed it already
Re: [0.18.22] Broke mod loading
Re: [0.18.22] Broke mod loading
If it fails (during load or later on), you will find the error message at the end of factorio-current.log. Just copy it from there!
A good mod deserves a good changelog. Here's a tutorial (WIP) about Factorio's way too strict changelog syntax!