Train not delivering between two stations

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Train not delivering between two stations

Post by TokMor »

Hi, I can't figure out what I am doing wrong here, so I'm hoping someone can help. I have a whole bunch of stations, but one particular provider doesn't appear to be providing its contents to the network.

Here is the provider station (the angels-mono-silicon with 264k is what should be provided)
provider.png (3.42 MiB) Viewed 1555 times

I'm pretty sure the requester station is set up right because it throws the "[LTN] No station supplying Mono Silicon in networks 0xffffffff." if I clear the no-warnings signal. Here is how that station looks.
requestor.png (1.12 MiB) Viewed 1555 times
I was running an older version but I updated to the latest (1.13.1 at time of this post) and the problem persisted

Log file is also attached, although there are a lot of stations we are using in the game. The last line with the error says

1712.289 Script @__LogisticTrainNetwork__/script/dispatcher.lua:494: No station supplying item,angels-mono-silicon found.

Please let me know if I can provide any additional info to help.

(4.23 MiB) Downloaded 110 times
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Re: Train not delivering between two stations

Post by Optera »

Check your train length signals.
Trains can't be both exactly 5 and 10 long.
Posts: 31
Joined: Mon Jan 23, 2017 3:37 am

Re: Train not delivering between two stations

Post by TokMor »

Thanks! Somehow I missed an extra wire that was connecting some signals back onto themselves. That doubled the signals even though I had it "set" for 5 cars.
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