How to get rid of spare liquids/gas in early Ammo line?

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How to get rid of spare liquids/gas in early Ammo line?

Post by ravenbs »

First game into Py.

We try to get Ammo production automated (Lead,...) because Biters are overrunning us.

There is a white Gas spare (Didnt Remember wich), but because we can not research tanks and also Flare stacks are far far away, we only can build a couple of pipes and deconstruct them again and again to void the unneeded and blocking liquid.
All other recipies with this liquid are totally in the future, like seaweed...

Any tips how to better dump this stuff?

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Re: How to get rid of spare liquids/gas in early Ammo line?

Post by kingarthur »

tailings pond

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Re: How to get rid of spare liquids/gas in early Ammo line?

Post by ravenbs »

Did not find something with this name.
Goolge also has no translation for this words.

Our game is a mixture of german / English, seems not everything is transladed.
Can you give me more hint what to look for?

Liquid is "Löschkalk" think it is something like quicklime in english.

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Re: How to get rid of spare liquids/gas in early Ammo line?

Post by kingarthur »

tailings-pond=Erzschlacke Becken. pretty sure thats from the german locale

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Re: How to get rid of spare liquids/gas in early Ammo line?

Post by ravenbs »

Hello kingarthur,

thank you a lot for this tipp, found it.
Problem was, that there is no recipiet showing up in FNEI, so we didn't find this.

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Re: How to get rid of spare liquids/gas in early Ammo line?

Post by K-Laus »

Löschkalk would be slack lime

For the first game I would also suggest to disable the biters because it can be very frustrating.

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