Editor mode: Void and infinity entities with configurable rate of voiding and filling

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Editor mode: Void and infinity entities with configurable rate of voiding and filling

Post by TyrHeimdal »

In editor mode: Void requester chest, void pump, void chest where one can configure at what rate it should empty itself and infinity provider chest, pump and chest with configurable rate of filling.

What ?
Void entities where the player can set at what rate items fed to it will be voided.
Infinity entities where the player can set at what rate items should be provided through the entity.
Interface could be something like this:
infinity provider chest.png
infinity provider chest.png (53.58 KiB) Viewed 911 times
Why ?
When designing bases or blueprints it's usually done in sections of production. To make it easier to balance and design it would be very useful to be able to have a belt of parts be emptied at the rate you expect it to be consumed by the finished design instead of pulling at full belt/bot speed and thus pulling the consumption of of it's planned balance.

On the opposite side it would be useful to be able to provide a section of the creation with a set rate based on some other part of the factory without having access to it during the design phase. in example a pump/infinity pipe that only produces X liquid per minute/second, and infinity chest/provider chest that refills with items at a set rate to mimic the production.

Both can be accomplished by circuit networks, but it takes up a lot of space inside intricate designs where you usually want to compress the size of your creation.
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Re: Editor mode: Void and infinity entities with configurable rate of voiding and filling

Post by ssilk »

Cool suggestion: Eatable MOUSE-pointers.
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