Use "throw" capsules from the map view

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Use "throw" capsules from the map view

Post by raiguard »

I would like to request the ability to use "throw" capsules from the map view, so long as you are in range. My most popular mod, Tapeline, uses capsules to detect where you're dragging. Since you can't use them in the map view, you can't use Tapelines in the map view either. The mod's capsule range is an obscene 1,000,000 tiles, so range shouldn't be an issue for it.

Artillery remotes are usable in the map view, but they have the small problem of... needing artillery cannons in order to work, and destroying everything whenever you use it.

Thanks in advance!

EDIT: I should mention that for my usecase it only makes sense to be able to use it when zoomed-to-world. I don't need throw capsules to work when you're not zoomed-to-world.

EDIT 2: I actually did manage to get it working with an artillery remote... sort of. I discovered that artillery remotes stop firing when you hold them still, even if the time_to_live is set to the lowest possible value. This breaks the functionality and makes Tapelines really difficult to use. And artillery remotes don't work for dragging when you're not in the map view, they only work for this when in the map view. And it involves creating and managing an invisible artillery turret, which is a pain. So I'm not going to do that.
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