Add option to enable/disable the emptying of trash slots when in a logistics networkWhat ?
With the latest set of updates, I noticed that an option was put in place to enable/disable calling of resources from a logistics grid, as well as enable/disable of addition of items to the trash slots, but no option to stop pulling from trash slotsMy idea for your consideration, is to add separate toggle to enable/disable the emptying of trash slots.
Why ?
In the grand scheme of things, this honestly isn't a very big deal. The latest set of updates already addressed all my other unvoiced gripes about the player logistics system.However, in the cases where I have isolated logistics networks, the sudden introduction of 10000 wood and stone is undesired as that would break my systems if it does not consume wood or stone.
Fortunately, with the new updates cleaning up is a lot simpler, but it would be nice to not have to clean up in the first place (assuming i remember to toggle it off in the first place, but by then it's a me problem)