Avoid rail signal colors for the block colors.What ?
Suggestion to change the colors used for rail blocks between signals to something else than what is used in the signals.[PIC 1.] Picture of the issue.
[PIC 2.] Example of a fix.
Moderator: ickputzdirwech
I'm not entirely sure if you're joking or not.ickputzdirwech wrote: ↑Tue Mar 24, 2020 7:55 am I think it's pretty obvious that the rail block colours don't represent the colour of the signal at the beginning of the block.
People are different.Deadlock989 wrote: ↑Tue Mar 24, 2020 1:54 pm Never even occurred to me for a millisecond that they might represent signals. Because they represent blocks. Not signals.
Current state is that they are using the same colors as the signals. They could be any color that's not in signals. Colour vision deficiency is outside of the point because signal colors are still the same. And even then it would be a simple thing to fix. The block colors are supposed to be helpful tools after all.Deadlock989 wrote: ↑Tue Mar 24, 2020 1:54 pm There are only six primary and secondary colours to choose from. Seven if you add white. Less if you have colour vision deficiency, which is common.
I can give you more colors, believe me.
There is a "utility constant" which defines an array of colours for rail block visualisations. Changing them to literally anything else makes them worse, but people have been using mods to punish themselves for years, I suppose this is no different.MakeItGraphic wrote: ↑Wed Mar 25, 2020 5:32 ama mod can most likely make this change and have it configurable to your own liking.
I am not adept at modding