However, somewhere in the 0.18 series the data location sniffing in Util.cpp appears to have gone wrong, making it believe the data files are supposed to be in /usr/share/factorio. As I'm running it from ~/Downloads, this is of course not the case -- see errors below.
If I could see precisely how you're sniffing this, I could probably amend steam-run to provide a more accurate simulation of Ubuntu.
Code: Select all
~/Downloads/factorio » nix-shell -p steam-run --run "steam-run ./bin/x64/factorio" svein@saya
0.000 Error Util.cpp:83: Error configuring paths: There is no package core in /nix/store/l3fg9r2gnz41vwd7krhmljjl3cfpgw0m-steam-run-fhs/usr/share/factorio. Deduced executable directory: /home/svein/Downloads/factorio/bin/x64, read data: __PATH__system-read-data__, write data: __PATH__system-write-data__
0.000 Goodbye