[Mod 2.0] Power Armor MK3+

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Re: [Mod 0.18] Power Armor MK3

Post by Repairmanski »

I'm looking for suggestions on alternate recipes using IR components, so that I can list IR as an optional dependency and not have it bork the IR tech tree.
This is a tough one as there are some overhauls that Deadlock did that would be retreads for the levels/attributes you have currently assigned to some items.
For example, the Light and Heavy armor items have an equipment grid which I believe obviates the need for light/heavy vest. Ditto for nuclear-reactor-equipment as the costs and output of the IR one is already significantly higher than what is available in this mod.

That being said, here's my take on the items individually:

Code: Select all

This roughly follows the IR template for mk2 armor with some "common-sense complexity" additions.

Code: Select all

Since mk4 contains mk3, I opted to simply add the highest tier primary (reinforced duranium plate) and secondary (quantum ring). With the battery changes I'm proposing shortly, this becomes a seriously spendy bit of kit and really only available once the player is in multi-rocket territory (or should be).

Code: Select all

As mentioned previously, I believe this would be duplicate/lesser functionality than the existing IR changes to light and heavy armor.

Code: Select all

The IR recipe for nightvision is both simplistic and realistic for the item. My additions here mimic the mk1 with slighty more or higher tier components. Nothing fancy.

Code: Select all

Similar to the above reasoning although the addition of the field-effector makes this a late game pain-in-the-ass because of the gems they consume. Seems appropriate.

The remaining items (energy-shield-mk3, nuclear-reactor-equipment, and singularity-equipment) are a little more challenging to extend. The IR costs for energy-shield-mk2 are already extortionate but it could be done. If I'm reading the 'equipment.lua' correctly, the nuclear-reactor-equipment puts out 300kw while the IR overhaul (which is stupefyingly expensive) pushes 1.6MW. I think I'd probably drop this item when both are loaded, just like the vests.

As for the singularity-equipment, I'm happy to give that a look as well although I'm not certain it is sufficiently better (given the grid-size) to warrant using it. What I mean is that it is 10 times better than the included reactor but less than 2 times the IR version.

I suppose I am looking for a feedback on whether or not this suits your purposes as well. I can certainly just scale the shield-mk3 and singularity-equipment but wanted to see if the stuff so far was tracking with you as well.
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Re: [Mod 0.18] Power Armor MK3

Post by jimmy_1283 »

Repairmanski wrote: Sun Feb 23, 2020 1:46 am -snip-
Thank you for the input, I've not played with IR myself so I really needed it, I'll definitely take your suggestions under advisement.
Having said that though this retro 0.17 update may be a while coming, as I'll be out of town for the next week on business, hopefully a 0.18 version of IR comes out before then eh?

Anyways keep an eye out here in a week or so and I should have something for you guys.
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Re: [Mod 0.18] Power Armor MK3

Post by Repairmanski »

jimmy_1283 wrote: Tue Feb 25, 2020 2:01 am Thank you for the input
No problem at all. Happy to help as I've used both your mod and IR rather extensively. My way of saying thanks, I suppose.
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Re: [Mod 0.18] Power Armor MK3

Post by jimmy_1283 »

Repairmanski wrote: Tue Feb 25, 2020 4:37 am No problem at all. Happy to help as I've used both your mod and IR rather extensively. My way of saying thanks, I suppose.
So I've had a chance to poke around in the IR code (and wasn't that painful, lol), and I agree with the suggestions so far. I can change the attributes of both the MK3 shield and the Shielded Singularity if IR is detected easily enough, so if you have any feedback on what you think they should be, in addition to recipes if you don't mind, I can probably get this done pretty quickly.

EDIT: As a side note, I'm assuming that the research costs and prerequisites are ok? I assume they are fine as they haven't been mentioned, but thought I should bring it up anyway just in case.

Thank you again for the feedback, it makes my life a lot easier. :D
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Re: [Mod 0.18] Power Armor MK3

Post by Repairmanski »

jimmy_1283 wrote: Tue Feb 25, 2020 9:43 pm I'm assuming that the research costs and prerequisites are ok?
I hadn't really looked at those yet. The costs are probably fine, the pre-reqs may require some modification. I'll try to look at those tonight along with the outstanding recipes. I've been banging my head against a 3d printer build with pretty much all my free time of late.
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Re: [Mod 0.18] Power Armor MK3

Post by jimmy_1283 »

Repairmanski wrote: Fri Feb 28, 2020 12:51 am I hadn't really looked at those yet. The costs are probably fine, the pre-reqs may require some modification. I'll try to look at those tonight along with the outstanding recipes. I've been banging my head against a 3d printer build with pretty much all my free time of late.
No worries, and no rush, I'm doing a few little things here and there when I have time, but I likely won't have a release ready before I get back home anyway.
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Re: [Mod 0.18] Power Armor MK3

Post by Repairmanski »

Costs: IR Power Armor Mk2 is behind utility-science-pack and costs 1k each of automation, logistic, chemical, and utility. I say just scale Mk3 and 4 however you feel appropriate. For reference, personal-laser-defense-equipment and atomic-bomb both cost 1250 of all 6 sciences (pre-space).

Pre-requisites: If it were me, I think I would put Mk3 behind space-science-pack and have Mk4 be after deadlock-future-age. That's pretty much the only available way to allow the progression to make sense.

As for the recipes for energy-shield-mk3-equipment and singularity-equipment, I feel like they lose coherence and should just have absurd costs but that's just my ill-informed opinion.

Code: Select all

    type = "recipe",
    name = "singularity-equipment",
    enabled = false,
    energy_required = 10,
	ingredients = 
	  {"lead-plate", 200},
	  {"low-density-structure", 200},
	  {"quantum-ring", 2},
	  {"energy-shield-mk3-equipment", 20},
	  {"battery-mk3-equipment", 10},
	  {"fusion-reactor-equipment", 5}
    result = "singularity-equipment"
The player at this stage may have opted to create the big-daddy 'satellite', the Impulse Probe, which necessitates automating the fusion-nuclear-equipment item. Perhaps they will be motivated to do so if they have not already.

Code: Select all

    type = "recipe",
    name = "energy-shield-mk3-equipment",
    enabled = false,
    energy_required = 10,
    ingredients =
    	{"energy-shield-mk2-equipment", 10},
	{"low-density-structure", 30},
	{"heavy-coil", 20}
	{optical-computer", 4}
    result = "energy-shield-mk3-equipment"
This one is a little lazy on my part but there's already a pretty intense requirement in IR for just the Mk2 shield. Having 10 of them per Mk3 is pretty painful already. It could be scaled instead of using previous items, especially since IR has a limited recycling program.
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Re: [Mod 0.18] Power Armor MK3

Post by jimmy_1283 »

Repairmanski wrote: Mon Mar 02, 2020 3:57 am -snip-
Nice, thanks again for the input, here's what I've managed so far, I'd appreciate feedback from as many people as possible, just to make sure I didn't miss anything important, but I'm pretty sure I got most of it done. Don't mind the version number too much, it's the latest for my 0.17 branch.

Power Armor MK3_0.2.13.zip
(310.75 KiB) Downloaded 172 times

For those of you that just stumbled along and haven't been keeping up, this is a beta release for my Industrial Revolution optional dependency, if you don't have IR then you aren't going to notice any difference.
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Re: [Mod 0.18] Power Armor MK3

Post by Repairmanski »

I had to do some finagling to get it going on 0.18.x and I'm still testing but here's what I note so far.

night-vision-mk2-equipment icon is broken.
night-vision-mk2-equipment will require an additional property 'color_lookup' which is a LUT reference. You probably already know this, but it looks like this:

Code: Select all

color_lookup = {{0.5, "__core__/graphics/color_luts/identity-lut.png"}}
Bob's using the above 'identity' for his mk3 which renders as day full-time, and 'dawn-lut.png' for his mk2, as reference.

power-armor-mk4 only adds 10 inventory slots compared to the IR power-armor-mk2. I don't really see this as a huge problem because the equipment grid is ludicrous, but that would be your call.

I had forgotten this before, but all other personal equipment power generation requires actual fuel in IR. That being said, I think it's okay to skip that for the singularity-equipment due to both the expense and the literal nature of the item by design.

More to come, I reckon.
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Re: [Mod 0.18] Power Armor MK3

Post by jimmy_1283 »

Repairmanski wrote: Wed Mar 04, 2020 4:24 am I had to do some finagling to get it going on 0.18.x and I'm still testing but here's what I note so far.

night-vision-mk2-equipment icon is broken.
night-vision-mk2-equipment will require an additional property 'color_lookup' which is a LUT reference. You probably already know this, but it looks like this:

Code: Select all

color_lookup = {{0.5, "__core__/graphics/color_luts/identity-lut.png"}}
Bob's using the above 'identity' for his mk3 which renders as day full-time, and 'dawn-lut.png' for his mk2, as reference.

power-armor-mk4 only adds 10 inventory slots compared to the IR power-armor-mk2. I don't really see this as a huge problem because the equipment grid is ludicrous, but that would be your call.

I had forgotten this before, but all other personal equipment power generation requires actual fuel in IR. That being said, I think it's okay to skip that for the singularity-equipment due to both the expense and the literal nature of the item by design.

More to come, I reckon.
Wait there's a 0.18 version of IR? I'm aware of the LUTs and whatnot, I fixed that already in my 0.18 releases. As for the inventory bonus, I can change that pretty easily, just need to pick a reasonable number I suppose. And yeah the Singularity is supposed to be OP end-game equipment.

Well here's a proper 0.18 version with changes for testing anyway:
Power Armor MK3_0.2.16.zip
(340.15 KiB) Downloaded 160 times
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Re: [Mod 0.18] Power Armor MK3

Post by Repairmanski »

jimmy_1283 wrote: Wed Mar 04, 2020 5:03 am Wait there's a 0.18 version of IR?
Ummm...no? :D

I got myself into a really ugly mess of mods in a current save and once I started making patches, I just kept going rather than revert. My save is, frankly, rather fragile as far as mods are concerned right now so I did what I had to.

I also just rebuilt my PC and don't really have time to go through creating separate installs. Sorry if the test wasn't as helpful as it could have been.
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Re: [Mod 0.18] Power Armor MK3

Post by jimmy_1283 »

Repairmanski wrote: Wed Mar 04, 2020 4:05 pm Sorry if the test wasn't as helpful as it could have been.
No problem, so long as it worked and the recipes, tech and effects are all good, I'm happy. Did you end up trying the last version I posted by chance?
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Re: [Mod 0.18] Power Armor MK3

Post by Repairmanski »

I loaded it just now and went through everything briefly. Everything's looking good in terms of loading, visual elements, etc.
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Re: [Mod 0.18] Power Armor MK3

Post by jimmy_1283 »

Looking to expand the list of compatible mods/optional dependencies, so if you have a mod or mods that you would like integration with, then please submit a list of recipes, research costs, research dependencies and such for consideration. Please use the 'code names' rather than the in-game names for ingredients and tech dependencies where possible, such as "fusion-reactor-equipment" rather than "fusion reactor".

I'm not likely to integrate a mod if no-one asks me too, as there a quite a few out there to choose between.

Thanks in advance for those that choose to submit.
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Re: [Mod 1.0] Power Armor MK3

Post by skavier470 »

Could you add an option for a 40x40 Grid?
Or a config option?

I use a mod that modifys this Mod so that the Powerarnor MK4 is 40x40.
But this mod is Deprecated and does not work with the new GUI.
The Gui is not working with the 40x40 Grid size, I cant scroll Right or down enough.

EDIT: nevermind, i Tried changing the Grid size in your mod myself, and disabling the Old mod, and everything works.
Last edited by skavier470 on Sun Nov 08, 2020 10:57 am, edited 1 time in total.
Burner Inserter
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Re: [Mod 1.0] Power Armor MK3

Post by eksdee »

please update the mod for 1.1.x
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Re: [Mod 1.0] Power Armor MK3

Post by Graploos »

Love the mod, hope you can update it for 1.1.
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Re: [Mod 1.0] Power Armor MK3

Post by jimmy_1283 »

eksdee wrote: Wed Nov 25, 2020 12:39 pm please update the mod for 1.1.x
Graploos wrote: Wed Nov 25, 2020 8:10 pm Love the mod, hope you can update it for 1.1.
Updated for 1.1.x, enjoy! :D
Manual Inserter
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Re: [Mod 1.1] Power Armor MK3


Please fix BUG in new version Power Armor MK3_0.3.06.

I attach a screen to the message.
2021-06-06_193901.png (31.17 KiB) Viewed 7306 times
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Re: [Mod 1.1] Power Armor MK3

Post by jimmy_1283 »

SUPERBESTWIZARD wrote: Sun Jun 06, 2021 5:03 pm Please fix BUG in new version Power Armor MK3_0.3.06.

I attach a screen to the message.
Sorry about that, was tired and did something weird apparently, fix is up.
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