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Post by golfmiketango »

uhm, not sure how to put this... I'd like to propose, in a manner considerate to the feelings of all persons, with or without genitalia, or equivalent prostheses, of all hues, shapes and sizes, that this not be a thing in factorio:

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Post by Klonan »

The video doesn't work for me
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Post by golfmiketango »

Klonan wrote: Tue Feb 25, 2020 10:53 am The video doesn't work for me
Hmm, why am I not surprised? I tried to make it by hand with ffmpeg; excessive unique-snowflake-grade cleverness was involved. Should have just put it in somebody's cloud, I guess. Anyhow it's not important, here's everything you need to know:

It depicts the "factorio guy" standing just in front of an inserter. The display engine seems to z-order the inserter arm in front of the player, but the inserter behind him... and (with the player placed in just the right spot, just missing the inserter's collision box to the south) the result is (ime) unmistakably suggestive of a prehensile robotic prosthetic inserter phallus.

Not a big deal but it kind-of looks like ass. Or actually, quite the opposite :) The "dick joke" is just for laughs, of course, and can be ignored -- the real problem is that it breaks the 3D illusion.
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Post by Oxyd »

Finally, the age of Linux-exclusive content is upon us. Out of pity for our freedom-deprived brethren, I attach a still from that video:
vlcsnap-2020-02-25-13h26m16s392.png (2 MiB) Viewed 3314 times
Also, as I'm sure you're well aware, that's just a limitation of how 2D games work and it's very unlikely to change.
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Post by Twinsen »

Works on my machine. (both the video and the suggestion)
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Post by posila »

groinal-attachment.jpg (73.97 KiB) Viewed 3268 times
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Post by conn11 »

posila wrote: Tue Feb 25, 2020 3:26 pm groinal-attachment.jpg
No wonder engineer guy was sent alone in a undoubtedly crappy spacecraft to some remote starsystem and even well after a thousand satellites sent, nobody cared to stop by.
Also this sheds some light on the completely ruthless manner of mass extermination of the nativ populus to build constantly bigger.
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Post by ssilk »

I don’t understand: what is the suggestion here? Do you want the devs to make the inserter arm larger? :shock: or smaller for the considerations? :?
Or what? :mrgreen:
Cool suggestion: Eatable MOUSE-pointers.
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Post by golfmiketango »

Well obviously the inserter arm has some special treatment in the z-plane. I am guessing this is to ensure that objects like power poles, train-stops, assemblers, etc. (basically everything else) are not preventing the player from discovering whether some particular inserter is working.

That's sensible. However I feel like the character should arguably be presented in front of the inserter arm, assuming the normal (rather than special-for-inserters) 2.5-dimension z-ordering heuristics would put him there. Specifically, because it just looks so weird otherwise (perhaps because the character is able to "go" places other entities can't due to the normal 0-1-place-able-entities-per.-tile convention).

Hope that's clear ... I probably am making up some words for things that already have formal names but I can't remember :)
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Post by Jap2.0 »

golfmiketango wrote: Wed Feb 26, 2020 6:43 pm Well obviously the inserter arm has some special treatment in the z-plane. I am guessing this is to ensure that objects like power poles, train-stops, assemblers, etc. (basically everything else) are not preventing the player from discovering whether some particular inserter is working.

That's sensible. However I feel like the character should arguably be presented in front of the inserter arm, assuming the normal (rather than special-for-inserters) 2.5-dimension z-ordering heuristics would put him there. Specifically, because it just looks so weird otherwise (perhaps because the character is able to "go" places other entities can't due to the normal 0-1-place-able-entities-per.-tile convention).

Hope that's clear ... I probably am making up some words for things that already have formal names but I can't remember :)
My understanding is that they try but it's hard and every time they fix one thing it breaks two others so they kind of just keep it in a "pretty good" state.
There are 10 types of people: those who get this joke and those who don't.
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