I know I did change the way the greenhouse operates, BUT I also did make sure that BOTH greenhouse cycles (with and without fertilizer) are still in there. In 0.17 this was just bobs recipe asyzorr wrote: Mon Feb 17, 2020 9:07 pm Hey folks,
I have 1k+ hours into AngelBob, and am currently writing an Illustrated Primer to guide folks in the 100-to-1000 hour range into an enjoyable AngelBob playthrough highlighting the game's many emergent subsystems. Buses, grids, circuits, trains, bots, modules, constrained building, and so on. I think/hope it's going to be pretty fun!
While I understand that moving away from Greenhouses edges us all towards a more realistic approach to becoming a Type-1 Kardashev Civilization, it also ditches some pretty great breadcrumbing around sorting silicon ore, using water as input in a non-power setting, and splitting wood from saplings in an a-ha! moment of massively disproportionate maybe-look-at-the-ratios-again ratio zen. Very solid very early game lessons.
This effs with my guide a bit. Greenhouses provided some pretty great points to talk on; I do not see an even-better Socrates emerging.
I'll look some more; while I'm looking, did the team consider these changes w/r/t breadcrumbing?
wood -> seedling -> wood + more wood
And now, in 0.18 I just added 1 extra step to the process, as a pre-integration in the arboretums:
wood -> seedling -> tree -> wood + more wood
If you would lay both recipes together (0.17 and 0.18), you'll see that the ratio is still the same:
2 wood -> 10 seed -> 15 wood
2 wood -> 10 seeds -> 3 trees -> 15 wood
When you only research the greenhouse, converting the trees into the wood can only happen manualy, so you can still manualy come in, and craft a full chest, ready for it to cycle through again. If you research the first stage of arboretums, you get the 1st tier of sawing, which does require the saw (aka iron plate). So there is a small cost in order to automate the full process, but I think that's part of early game, as you cannot have the best right away. At least I added in the option to convert the trees to wood manualy so you can keep your early game power running without the need of any iron.
So I think the increased complexity is minimal, and with some small manual labor early game it's still the same as it was before. Don't you think?