Imagine my:
- delight when I just discovered the hide_from_player_crafting recipe property today. I just amended the mod to assign the property to EVERY recycling recipe.
- disappointment when the tabs didn't disappear.
- surprise when I clicked on the tabs and saw that almost all the recipes had disappeared but a few random ones are still there.
4 screenshots of unexpected player crafting tabs
I can see no reason why those should still be visible. I checked my data to make sure I hadn't missed setting the property (set in data-updates stage and the hide_from_player_crafting property untouched afterwards). I haven't. Example for the advanced circuit below:
Code: Select all
category = "recycling-1",
expensive = {
enabled = false,
energy_required = 6,
ingredients = {
results = {
group = "dry411srev-intermediate-products",
hidden = false,
hide_from_player_crafting = true,
icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/advanced-circuit.png",
icon_size = 64,
localised_name = {
name = "dry411srev-advanced-circuit",
normal = {
enabled = false,
energy_required = 6,
ingredients = {
results = {
order = "f[advanced-circuit]",
subgroup = "dry411srev-intermediate-product",
type = "recipe"
Recycling Machine 1 Crafting menu
No. There they are. The pipe and the tank. The blue belt is missing but that's because my mod insists that any recipes that use fluids cannot be recycled in a Recycling Machine 1.
Let me know if you need the mod's code. The version on the mod portal isn't using the property. Why would it? It appears to be bugged after all.