LTN Inventory Sensing

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Burner Inserter
Burner Inserter
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LTN Inventory Sensing

Post by orzeljo609 »

Good evening everyone,

Im sure this has been answered somewhere but I can't seem to find the answer I'm looking for so if anyone has any ideas (or could point me to the right thread) that would be great.

The issue I'm having is this, how can I get the station to sense each particular load source without them being equally loaded.
As high volumes of trains pass through the stop, the top three, or end of the train three, carts seems to load quicker than the lower three. Therefor there would be goods in the lower three and no goods in the upper three. What happens is if the lower three contain enough goods to trigger the station threshold, the train arrives. The first three carts in the train load and then the second three remain low quantity before they depart the station. Any ideas?
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Re: LTN Inventory Sensing

Post by Hellspawn »

As far as i know there is no specific setting for your problem.

Here is a idea i came up with using combinator:
Read the contend of each induvidual storage and connect it to an combinator. Set the combinator to send a signal (e.g. "A") with set to "1" if the contend (e.g. iron ore or what ever you providing) is equal or bigger the amount you need to fill a wagon.
The output from this 6 combinator or connected. If you connect them, they will add up. So if you have A = 6 this means every storage have enough content to fill all waggons. You can use this signal (A=6) to forward your total storage to the LTN station Lamp. If A<6 the storage contend is not transfered to the LTN lamp --> LTN station dont provied anything.

I hope this is not confusing, if you have question just ask :)
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