Kovarex enrichment with constant catalyst

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Kovarex enrichment with constant catalyst

Post by Premu »

I wanted to design an efficient Kovarex enrichment processing which should fulfill two requirements:

1. It shall provide the produced U-253 immediately and only retain its existing catalyst.
2. It shall not produce too much U-253 depleting the U-258 reserves.

The basic setup for this looks like this:


The U-258 coming from the right is put into an input buffer chest by inserter A which will be deactivated if more than 20 U-258 is in the chest. This chest shall also take in the 40 U-253 it has used as catalyst before and the remaining U-258 from the enrichment process. The input chest fills the centrifuge. The interesting part is how to handle the output, though:

An output chest is filled with U-253 by a filtered stack inserter (B) from the centrifuge. Inserter C shall put the actual gained U-253 from this chest on the output belt, and stack inserter D shall put the 40 U-253 on the side belt to send it back to the centrifuge. Also, a filtered inserter is putting out the remaining U-238 on the top belt for recycling.

To make this work the whole output is divided into three phases. In phase one only the filtered stack inserter B is active and will fill the buffer chest. Once this is done we need to switch to phase two in which inserter C pulls out the gained U-253 (or two, in case the productivity bonus kicked in) on the output belt. In phase three the stack inserter D will put the remaining U-253 onto the side belt.

First I tried to implement a status variable with combinators - and found no way to do it, as there is no simple way to assign a direct value. But finally I had an eureka moment and found a very simple logic to implement all this, although it needs overall 10 combinators.

Inserter B is only active if the output chest contains exactly 0, 12, 24, or 36 U-235. Otherwise it is deactivated. Inserter C has its stack size limited to one and is only active if more than 40 U-253 is in the chest. Inserter D has its stack size limited to 10 and is only active if the chest contains exactly 40, 30, 20, or 10 U-253. The combinator logic behind that is simple - for inserters B and D four comparative combinators each will check if the amount in the chest is equal to one of the allowed numbers, and an arithmetic combinator for each will do the "oring" to provide the actual status signal which the inserters use to be activated. Inserter C doesn't need any combinators at all.

This approach has an interesting side effect - in case the output belt is filled up and inserter C can't drop the U-235, the next cycle will lead to 41 or 42 U-235 in the output chest without the possibility to remove it. This will lock both inserters B and D, thus stopping the process and preventing the drain of U-258. Once a free spot is found on the belt, inserter C can take out more U-253 and restart the enrichment process.

To start the processing, you have to provide U-235 manually. If 40 are put in the input chest it will run with breaks. If 80 U-253 are put into the input chest, it will run continuesly.

This design is tileable, so it can be scaled easily.

The blue print is as follows:

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Re: Kovarex enrichment with constant catalyst

Post by Honktown »

Wow uh. I just use filter inserters, and remove u-235 and u-238 into separate boxes. If there's an excess of u-235 I remove it for use. If you limit the filling inserter conditions you can prevent too much u-238 being converted (either the box of u-235, or some amount somewhere else).

Fun fact: filter inserters work on assemblers/etc :P
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Re: Kovarex enrichment with constant catalyst

Post by Honktown »

I don't feel like pulling up the whole blueprint ; how does your centrifuge get refilled with u-235? I filter remove u-235 into a plain chest, and then use a plain inserter to move from one plain chest to another, and then re-insert u-235. Only if there's excess does it pull from the second box (usually something like U-235 > 45, which means 82 is in the machine, 41 in processing, 45+ in the box, a huge excess but it works).
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Re: Kovarex enrichment with constant catalyst

Post by Premu »

Honktown wrote: Sun Dec 08, 2019 8:34 pm I don't feel like pulling up the whole blueprint ; how does your centrifuge get refilled with u-235? I filter remove u-235 into a plain chest, and then use a plain inserter to move from one plain chest to another, and then re-insert u-235. Only if there's excess does it pull from the second box (usually something like U-235 > 45, which means 82 is in the machine, 41 in processing, 45+ in the box, a huge excess but it works).
Inserter D pulls out 40 U235 to the belt below which is reinserted to the input chest and then back into the centrifuge.

Overall you can operate this design continuesly with only 80 U-235 in the system - up to 40 U-235 circling back while another 40 are in the centrifuge. The rest can be extracted.
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Re: Kovarex enrichment with constant catalyst

Post by Honktown »

Premu wrote: Sun Dec 08, 2019 9:00 pm Overall you can operate this design continuesly with only 80 U-235 in the system - up to 40 U-235 circling back while another 40 are in the centrifuge. The rest can be extracted.
Nice. O P T I M I Z E D
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Re: Kovarex enrichment with constant catalyst

Post by Olacken »

While I do think you are a little overenginering it I can't say I dislike it

As for my take on that I just have a stack inserter put it on a blet and just after that a filter stack inserter that directly reinsert U-235 so I have a mixed output of U-238 U-235. I just keep it like that when I'm using it for My nuclear reactor but if I need to use it for train I just filter the ouput back to the input and voila.

The maximum my centrifuge can go up is 84 U-235 in the input and 40 processing at one time so a little more than your setup

Oh and that simple of a system also mean I can 12beacon it ( I really do like to 12 beacon everthing apart from miners)

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Re: Kovarex enrichment with constant catalyst

Post by BlueTemplar »

I have a design without *any* filter inserters and only two filter splitters :

(Of course it's not as efficient as the one from the OP, and IIRC you need a minimum amount of U-235 to jumpstart it without it running out of U-235...)
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Re: Kovarex enrichment with constant catalyst

Post by quyxkh »

Here's my Kovarex-inception rig, designed to get you from your 40th U-235 to your 120th as fast as possible. Everything outside the beacon box that's not blue is test harness, the southbound supply belt from the uranium processing needs to continue on to green-ammo / fuel cell / storage.

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Re: Kovarex enrichment with constant catalyst

Post by Olacken »

Why speed module is it an old design?
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Re: Kovarex enrichment with constant catalyst

Post by quyxkh »

It's old, but the savings from switching is maybe 10 u-238 a minute and the speed difference is half a percent (8 vs 8.04). Retune the unload to handle variable output, for that? I just don't feel the need.
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Re: Kovarex enrichment with constant catalyst

Post by disentius »

Nice one quixkh:)

@Olacken: this setup relies on producing one U235 per cycle. Won't work with prod modules.
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