[Rseding] [0.18.0] Excessive Audio Fadeout

Things that has been reported already before.
Burner Inserter
Burner Inserter
Posts: 5
Joined: Wed Feb 07, 2018 7:57 am

[Rseding] [0.18.0] Excessive Audio Fadeout

Post by Grenadith »

With 0.18.0, when I pass through my dense group of assemblers and only one of them is active, the audio falloff range is very very short. The assembler is nearly silent when I'm standing very close to it. If I'm directly adjacent to the assembler, it is loud (normal), but as soon as I leave its direct perimeter, it fades to silence almost instantly. If there are no other buildings directly adjacent to the assembler, the audio falloff is much more gradual, as expected.

The only active (as of 0.17.79) mod I was using was RSO. It is not active currently.

I would expect the sound to fade away a little more gradually in all cases.

Please see the video below for a demonstration.

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