Factorio Workshop on the 36c3

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Factorio Workshop on the 36c3

Post by Cisz »

36c3 Factorio Logo.jpg
36c3 Factorio Logo.jpg (767.05 KiB) Viewed 3366 times

A short time ago, in a congress center far, far away, there was another Factorio workshop at the kidspace of 36c3.

36c3 - The 36th c3, chaos communication congress. A hacker meeting, about 17k nerds from all over the place.

Kidspace - Designated stuff for young ones. Started with a children-only-ball pit and a few toys at 30c3. Now it's a small town, megalego blocks, loads of workshops and a trampoline. I hate that thing.. :P

Factorio workshop - Not really a workshop yet. More like Factorio as a service (9 machines running it, and me running around answering loads of questions).

We had 4 small scenarios, 3 of them freeplay with a modified techtree and 1 a limited space trial. (I'll probably add them and some blueprints to this post later).

I brought my physical copy of Factorio along to demonstrate stuff:

Working 03.jpg
Working 03.jpg (161.38 KiB) Viewed 3366 times

Many yound and old people joined in, some experienced, some not. Some brought their computers and savegames, some bought the game during the event. It was loads of fun and very exhausting. But hey, the motto was ressource exhaustion, so there you go. :P

Now I have dreams for 37c3, like an assembly hall inside a multiplayer map. (We could call it assembler hall..) People could present their stuff on a multi-purpose display, or show off their clever blinkenlights.. We will see. ;)

ComboLogo.jpg (60.33 KiB) Viewed 3366 times

Edit: Here are the scenarios. All are de-militarized.

Standard Freeplay Map
36c3 - default.zip
(396.65 KiB) Downloaded 192 times

Freeplay map with exhausted ressources
36c3 - resource-exhaustion.zip
(399.28 KiB) Downloaded 195 times

Freeplay desert map with exhausted ressources and an added blinking logo.
36c3 - Ende Gelände.zip
(546.26 KiB) Downloaded 189 times

Limited space challenge with infinite ressources.
36c3 - rocket-silo-challenge.zip
(221.92 KiB) Downloaded 190 times
Last edited by Cisz on Fri Jan 17, 2020 1:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Factorio Workshop on the 36c3

Post by eradicator »

Cisz wrote:
Fri Jan 17, 2020 1:53 am
I brought my physical copy of Factorio along to demonstrate stuff:
Mfw. Is that wood or paper?
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Re: Factorio Workshop on the 36c3

Post by Cisz »

eradicator wrote:
Fri Jan 17, 2020 8:13 am
Mfw. Is that wood or paper?
Yes, and some plastic as well.

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