[Request] Hotbar changes

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[Request] Hotbar changes

Post by Husky306 »

I've had incredibly toxic reaction to suggestions the last time I visited forums but I'll try...

It would be sweet if someone could make a mod for the hotbar. 0.17 wrecks what worked fine and makes something nice at the same time. The idea would be to combine 0.16 and 0.17 hotbars.

-Let newly created\taken items come to free slots and be removed when they run out (like in 0.16)
-Let player Shift+click a slot to "freeze" it, picking the item for it that will stay after running out (like in 0.17)

I have no idea why they didn't just make the game like this in the first place. In 0.17 I have to go to inventory for EACH new item. I don't need it on hotbar, I just create 1 refinery and place it, I won't need it the next few hours. Or a lamp. Or a yellow splitter that I need once before I get red ones. Yes, it's once. But multiplied by EACH time and EACH item. Go into inventory, try to find the right icon in that mess, pick, close, place it, then I need to switch to belts and inserters, then I have to place the second item, do it all over again. Or put these 2 items on hotbar, filling it with junk that I only need right now and I'll have to remove it wasting as much time. Or switch bars. Yes, I can do that. And it's not convenient at all. Am I the only one suffering from it? Everyone enjoys doing 20 things where you can do 1?

Underground belts, tubes, filter inserters, fast inserters, long inserters, splitters, boxes, stations, signals, rover, train, wagons, pumps, labs, stack inserters, lamps, burner miners, refineries, oil factories, wells... In 0.16 I knew exactly where to find them for 1 use: in my hotbar, in the top left slot that is empty. Now I have to try to find them in my bag beneath 50 icons. My poor eyes. And yes, you need them more often in LATE game. But the first 20 hours are now hell. Especially with mods that add like 4x more items\buildings. Try Bob+Angel with 0.17 hotbar and their million buildings per 1 iron plate - you'll scream.

Yep. Simple changes. Let player choose between 0.16 slots (default) and 0.17 slots (highlighted via Shift). Whoever makes it will be a hero. I'm begging you on my knees. Thanks.
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Re: [Request] Hotbar changes

Post by darkfrei »

It can be done as "last created items" in the top left corner. Nobody wants to remove links from the hotbar / tool belt.
Normally you can use Q to find and select the right item.
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