I'm not asking a technical question on how to use the game interface to set it up. I'm asking for input on how other players have chosen to set their hotbars up the way they have, or I suppose even the question of IF a player uses their hotbar (I can't imagine what playing with no hotbar usage would be like, but there's no such thing as "doing it wrong," so maybe.)
I imagine that responses would primarily be images, so that would lead to imgur links. First, for benefit of following up, please consider actually creating an imgur login instead of only using it as a guest every time. (You'll be surprised how often that becomes useful, once you've done it, if you frequent forums like this in your normal computer time.) Second, please, please, make your screenshots with the screenshot functions of the game or Steam. A fantastic reddit post on how to take screenshots can be found at https://www.reddit.com/r/factorio/comme ... many_ways/ . And that post doesn't even consider that the default keybind for Steam is F12! My example is here:
I'm having trouble making the image visible as part of this post, which is what I thought the "img" BB-code tags did, but apparently not. As a backup, my screenshot image is at https://imgur.com/a/zNDUVXJ .
I'm curious if there's anything special about how you do it. Do you run mods that influence your preferred setups? What kinds of things are made easier by your preferred setup? Do you use all ten that the vanilla game allows? Do you make different hotbar setups for different savegames or online multiplayer servers that you split your Factorio time between? Thanks in advance!