For the rest I make a little quiz:
- The stuff in which types of chests are counted in the logistic system? provider and storage
- Where is the stuff not counted? Examples: Steel/iron/wood/smart/requester chests, while being on transport with robots, before picked up by robots from chests that would normaly count, in the player inventory, in chests outside the reach of the (same or connected) orange area, ...
- How many miners (without modules) are needed to reach the capacity of a slow belt? 9?
It seems to be not a full number. To fill two slow belts 44 miners are around right, but even with a sophisticated compacting technique sometimes it stucks a bit and sometimes there is a single gap. So around 22 miners for one slow belt.
- Which influence has the length of a belt to it's density? None!
- If the existing amount of liquid is balanced into a new storage tank, how many additional liquid is all tanks if the new tank "is getting filled up quiet quickly"? Short answer: Nothing! Longer answer: shurely are a few units getting pumped in because of the full pipes and the machines at the other end, but not that quickly. After the balancing in a few seconds the amount of free room in the tanks has increased by the room the new tank gives.
- If a slow belt is not completly filled, how many more stuff is transported after every tile of the belt is made out of fast belts? Nothing! Speed doubles, density halves, same amount of stuff is arriving at the end as before! If more stuff should arrive, put more of it on the belt. That's the only way!
- What is a bigger waste of ressources? To make fast cornersor tospeed up the whole belt?A fast corner is never a waste of material. A faster belt most of the time.