I have only had this game for about 24hrs and already in love with it. I got my first setup going last night and automated research. But there are a few questions I need help with to optimize my setup.
First: Is there a way to control how much of a resource I have on a belt network at one time? I have found that I am making things in one location (say gears) and transporting them long distances. This causes a HUGE backlog of produced materials that are just sitting on the belt when the raw materials that went into producing them could have been used for something else. I have a similar issue with my research. For a while I was over producing Green research. Now, Green research takes alot more materials to make then Red so I would like to stop making Green research when I have, say 50 unused packs on the circulation belt. I would like to automate the balance of Red and Green research on the circulation belt.
Second: Is there a easy way to sort the product on a circulation belt? Using research as an example, I would like to be able to at least put Green research on one side and Red research on the other side. If I could do something more complex for when I get to higher tiers of research (like green-blue-green on one lane and red-purple-red on the other lane).
Third: I'm having problems finding a solid tutorial for for Smart Inserters. The belts lane page on the wiki (https://forums.factorio.com/wiki/inde ... /Belt_lane) shows a smart inserter pulling one material off a converyer line and putting it on another. I cant for the life of me figure out the interface for the smart inserter and what is doing what.
For reference.
My Research production setup:
My General production setup: