Crowdin shows a localizable string with ID gui-graphics-settings-description:lights-quality for the rendering quality of lights at night.
But it does not actually appear in the game. Same is true for gui-graphics-settings-description:max-threads.
Is that intended?
And while you are at it: I believe adding a description to the vsync option could help explain what it does. It is the only non-obvious option that is not explained. I believe waiting for vsync is usually better. However, when people don't know what it is, they may not want the game to wait for anything.
[Twinsen] [0.17.77] Setting descriptions missing
Re: [Twinsen] [0.17.77] Setting descriptions missing
Fixed in Version: 0.17.79
Thanks for the report.
Thanks for the report.
Re: [Twinsen] [0.17.77] Setting descriptions missing
valneq wrote: Fri Nov 15, 2019 4:15 am Same is true for gui-graphics-settings-description:max-threads.
You only fixed the gui-graphics-settings-description:lights-quality, the string for ui-graphics-settings-description:max-threads is still not displayed.
Also, should I make a new suggestion thread for the following?
valneq wrote: Fri Nov 15, 2019 4:15 am And while you are at it: I believe adding a description to the vsync option could help explain what it does.
Re: [Twinsen] [0.17.77] Setting descriptions missing
Opps, I missed that one, thanks for checking.
I fixed it, but this one might take some time until release.
Also I didn't think that Vsync really needs an description, but i'll keep it in mind if anyone else complains.
I fixed it, but this one might take some time until release.
Also I didn't think that Vsync really needs an description, but i'll keep it in mind if anyone else complains.
Re: [Twinsen] [0.17.77] Setting descriptions missing
It can never hurt to descripe something
We had this discussion years ago with if we should enable v sync or not (im still not 100% sure) but ive read if i have gsync, i dont need vsync..

We had this discussion years ago with if we should enable v sync or not (im still not 100% sure) but ive read if i have gsync, i dont need vsync..