Whole PC lags when factorio runs with AMD Virtual Super Resolution

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Whole PC lags when factorio runs with AMD Virtual Super Resolution

Post by Gamingwelle »

I played Factorio now for a while and noticed that my whole PC lags when i change from or to the (fullscreen) window.
I asked about this on Reddit and they suggested that I should check if I have Virtual Super Reolution (VSR) or FreeSync enabled. VSR was enabled and after I disabled it there were no more problems.
The lags look like this:
- Factorio stops running, it doesn't just skip some frames, it stops. Items don't move on belts etcand after the lag they don't jump but simply continue to move like nothing happened.
- Mouse freezes and doesn't move
- Whatever runs on my second screen freezes (have a dedicated soundcard so sound continues), if it's a video then it will freeze some more seconds and jumps a few seconds to the future to catch up with the sound

But since this only happens in Factorio I think it's a bug.
I play in singleplayer.

My PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 1300X
GPU: AMD Radeon RX 590
RAM: 16 GB (2x8) DDR4 (and paging enabled)
Factorio saved on HDD, OS and pagingfile on SSD
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Re: Whole PC lags when factorio runs with AMD Virtual Super Resolution

Post by posila »

Hello, thanks for taking the time to post the report.

Unfortunatelly, the problem is somewhere outside of Factorio. Game bugs don't freeze out entire computer, especially not mouse cursor since that's handled on HW level. My suggestion is to try to update the graphics driver if you don't have the latest, or downgrade to older version if you do.
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Re: Whole PC lags when factorio runs with AMD Virtual Super Resolution

Post by darkfrei »

Factorio is 100% raster video game, any virtual resolution cannot make better graphics.
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Re: Whole PC lags when factorio runs with AMD Virtual Super Resolution

Post by Gamingwelle »

I simply disbled VSR but I thought that factorio can be modified to ignore VSR.
As far as I understand VSR emulates a larger screen resolution to have a better image to display.
Can't factorio bypass this by making the fullscreen in the real resolution?
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Re: Whole PC lags when factorio runs with AMD Virtual Super Resolution

Post by posila »

From point of view of Factorio, VSR is the real resolution of your display.

Try to disable "Use flip presentation model" in graphics settings in Factorio (and restart the game)
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