WIP: Extremely useful composite combinators
This is Early Work in Progress mod. If you try this out now - future versions of the mod will 100% break your setups created today.
Have you ever been bothered by how complex combinator setups appear to be while it looks like it should look simpler? This mod should is for the rescue.
In its current state it has only 3 new combinators.
I need a bit of community support to come with ideas of what next combinators can be, and more importantly - for optimal component setups.
Distinguishing feature of this mod about combinators is that internally these combinators act as containers for smaller combinators (constant, decider, arithmetic but reduced to minimal size), without mod intervention during the work of combinator, so the combinators should not cause performance degradation (UPS), it works as if you use usual combinators. No Lua circuit network read-writes are performed.
This mod requires Composite combinators core viewtopic.php?f=190&t=78161
1. Distinct wire constant combinator
It is simple - you can choose separate signals for red and green wires.
Under the hood:
Darkened combinator acts as a connector, player won't see it during the game
2. Inclusive filter combinator
Carry on only with necessary signals
Under the hood:
3. Simple delay combinator
Delay signals by N ticks. Delay selection is limited on purpose.
Under the hood for delay = 7:
[0.17] [WIP Mod] Extremely useful combinators
[0.17] [WIP Mod] Extremely useful combinators
- Attachments
- ExtremelyUsefulCompositeCombinators_0.1.4.zip
- (658.67 KiB) Downloaded 113 times
- CompositeCombinatorsCore_0.1.4.zip
- (263.88 KiB) Downloaded 121 times
Last edited by DRE on Tue Nov 19, 2019 10:47 pm, edited 6 times in total.
Re: [Proof of Concept / Very very early version] Composite combinators / Extremely useful combinators
Looks interesting, will follow.
Re: [Proof of Concept / Very very early version] Composite combinators / Extremely useful combinators
A bit of demonstration of the work in progress.
These are distinct wire constant combinator and simple delay combinators. I slow down the time to see that delay works. Blueprinting is ok except that we need to carry additional 'data' entity together with combinator. Components lights gonna look better that on the video, ofc.
These are distinct wire constant combinator and simple delay combinators. I slow down the time to see that delay works. Blueprinting is ok except that we need to carry additional 'data' entity together with combinator. Components lights gonna look better that on the video, ofc.
Re: [0.17] [WIP Mod] Extremely useful combinators
0.1.4 brings usability, stability and filter combinator - updated main post