since 0.17.46 we have the possibility to use style.margin and style.padding on elements to set all of their directions. It would be great to have the possibility to also set different values to the sites with only this shortcut. I have CSS (Cascadian Style Sheet) in minde, so:
Code: Select all
style.padding = 1
results in:
style.top_margin = 1
style.right_margin = 1
style.bottom_margin = 1
style.left_margin = 1
Code: Select all
style.padding = {1, 2}
results in:
style.top_margin = 1
style.right_margin = 2
style.bottom_margin = 1
style.left_margin = 2
Code: Select all
style.padding = {1, 2, 3, 4}
results in:
style.top_margin = 1
style.right_margin = 2
style.bottom_margin = 3
style.left_margin = 4