Recipe "raw ingredients" take from mod recipes for different thing

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Smart Inserter
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Recipe "raw ingredients" take from mod recipes for different thing

Post by Honktown »

There might just be an issue with a mod I'm using, but the recipe in the technology tree lists ingredients for a craft from the mod (using the Dark Matter Replicators mod + Transmuters). In the menu, the crafting recipe is the base one.

In general, the raw ingredients thing is listed weird, because it shows ore for plates, plates for steel, and anything which is hand-crafted doesn't get broken down, so it's not listing the raw ingredients at all. Certain other things like the pistol and light armor don't get raw listed either, even though they can be crafted (and not replicated, in the case of the mods I'm using). SMG and shotgun get listed however.
I have mods! I guess!
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