Finnaly got circuits 2

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Finnaly got circuits 2

Post by shadowpho »

Woooo! Only 150 hours in-game. Circuits 2 with a massive train network. At this point I just plop down a station and ship things in/out since the factory is so large.

Now to make chemical science pack and finally start researching. I feel like I spent the last 50 hours not researching anything lol.

Did it take so long to get to circuits 2 for anyone else?
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Re: Finnaly got circuits 2

Post by Pridesfall »

Congrats! It actually took me longer and I just got it a few days ago. I feel like I made lots of mistakes that I would need to go back and correct or I would spend a long time trying to get a resource one way only to find it was easy to get another way. I did it with LTN which I learned at the same time. My goal was to get circuit 2's before Alien Life came out so that was a big success. Now I'm trying to free up bottlenecks, tin and lube, so that I can have circuit 2's be produced at a faster rate.
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Re: Finnaly got circuits 2

Post by twan »

I'm about 130h in and I'm starting to get to the products to produce C2's.
I had to massively expand my Chromium production to get some alloys to get supersteel.
I'm putting some effort at the same time to get kevlar for blue science but also started to work on my mall because i got tired of handcrafting all my buildings, that mall is taking forever to build due to all the different ingredients (mixing belts for high demand stuff like plates and small parts and logistic robots for stuff like stone furnaces etc.)

Yeah.. PyMods is definitely a time sink!
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Re: Finnaly got circuits 2

Post by immortal_sniper1 »

maybe we need a STANDARD MALL or something bot driven to put and reput over from time to time to save time in mall design
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Re: Finnaly got circuits 2

Post by Pridesfall »

I did a bot based mall with 1k logistics bots. I had trains bring the different resources to buffer chests nearby the mall.
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Re: Finnaly got circuits 2

Post by shadowpho »

Yeah mall would be cool. What's LTN?

My issue seems to be not enough sulfuric acid (so not enough nichrome... and everything slows down). How do you guys get your SA?
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Re: Finnaly got circuits 2

Post by Blokus »

shadowpho wrote: Wed Oct 02, 2019 6:07 pm Yeah mall would be cool. What's LTN? ... ainNetwork
This is a popular mod that allows you to set up a train network that functions very similarly in concept to how robots work, with trains being dynamically dispatched to pick up items from stations that have them and bring them to stations that want them. It's particularly popular in conjunction with complex modpacks like AB and Py.

Like the widespread use of logistic robots, it sometimes gets criticized for making the game a bit brain-dead. TSM ( is a somewhat similar mod that requires more direct involvement from the player, which some people prefer. TSM is also dramatically better for UPS in a large base.
My issue seems to be not enough sulfuric acid (so not enough nichrome... and everything slows down). How do you guys get your SA?
Unless something has changed recently, I would not bother with the nickel smelting that uses sulfuric acid, at least before you get into the utility science tiers of smelting. It increases your sulfuric acid demand to prohibitive levels without really improving yield by enough to justify it. That said, a scalable but bulky and power-hungry option for sulfuric acid is to refine coalbed gas into acid gas, assuming you're playing with Petroleum Handling.
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Re: Finnaly got circuits 2

Post by pyanodon »

pY Coal processing mod
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Re: Finnaly got circuits 2

Post by shadowpho »

Thank ya!

Looks like time to setup coalbed to acid gas factory :)
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Re: Finnaly got circuits 2

Post by immortal_sniper1 »

shadowpho wrote: Mon Oct 07, 2019 6:44 pm Thank ya!

Looks like time to setup coalbed to acid gas factory :)
atm that is not that great unless u use one of the more advanced recipes

personally i mine S then use refsyngas to turn it into acid gas then make acid from that and pgas
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Re: Finnaly got circuits 2

Post by Blokus »

immortal_sniper1 wrote: Mon Oct 07, 2019 9:49 pm
shadowpho wrote: Mon Oct 07, 2019 6:44 pm Thank ya!

Looks like time to setup coalbed to acid gas factory :)
atm that is not that great unless u use one of the more advanced recipes

personally i mine S then use refsyngas to turn it into acid gas then make acid from that and pgas
I find it to be a hassle to constantly build new sulfur mines. If you don't like coalbed gas, you can get refsyngas and acid gas both at the same time from nexelit and organic matter, and you even get some CO2 that you can use to make logs inside the same build if you want to go that route. This path doesn't even need PH.
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Re: Finnaly got circuits 2

Post by BlueTemplar »

I did it !!! 😂
Wait, why is there light out of the window ??
*Collapses with exhaustion...*
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Re: Finnaly got circuits 2

Post by brainbus »

I also made it to circuit board 2 this week (have been playing this savegame for about half a year). :D Currently I am focusing on building robots, setting up the logistic network across the whole base, and scaling up production of several ingredients for circuit board 2. But once the logistic network is set up, I will go for gold plates and vanadium via particle accelerators for producing modules and super steel, respectively.
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Re: Finnaly got circuits 2

Post by shadowpho »

Nice! Very organized.

I had no problem making vanadium and gold via regular means. I am overflowing with gold actually (>70k). I had much more trouble with molybdenum plates and niobium complex
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Re: Finnaly got circuits 2

Post by brainbus »

I admire your persistence with biters enabled :!: Now I can understand your exhaustion. That reminds me of my first pymods run, when the pymods were not as numerous as today and biters not as dangerous yet. Sadly, I accidentally deleted that savegame (was about to reach science pack 4), when I reinstalled the OS on my PC. :oops:

Regarding gold plates and vanadium: I just wanted to be able to produce modules and super steel as soon as possible - even if only at very low quantities. And being able to e.g. build cargo pynobots MK02 is also nice to have rather sooner than later.
Yes, molybdenum is becoming a problem for me as well. I did not notice it for a long time. I will go the particle accelerator route for this as well once I have solved my current power supply bottleneck. For this I will try to build nuclear reactors as soon as possible, however, that requires more particle accelerators and, thus, an even larger solar array than I currently have. Maybe I am going to temporarily reorganize the particle accelerator setup for gold plates I built yesterday and produce vanadium and helium for just enough super alloy to go nuclear.
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Re: Finnaly got circuits 2

Post by BlueTemplar »

3-2-1 backup rule !

Ah yeah, it's actually Death World with resource Size set to Very small and Richness to Very poor :
I'm on my third copper patch, tailings to iron/copper ores and sulfuric acid is proving to be very useful !

This game is latest 0.16, so is only missing PyOil (and has no NiChrome recipe better than 18:1, which makes a lot of the late blue science ore processings to be dubious or even worse than the previous ones...)

0.16 biters are harder in a (very) few ways :
Worms and spitters shots (almost) can't be dodged, so getting close to large groups of them is a death sentence (while in 0.17 you can dodge their spit for a while).
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