Quirky Stacker - Extendable/Modular

Smart setups of railway stations, intelligent routing, solutions to complex train-routing problems.
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Quirky Stacker - Extendable/Modular

Post by Hyenna »

Stack diffrent sized trains together.

Hi there i made a Bluebook for a Quirky Stacker and want to share it with you.

Useful for stations that manage diffrent train lengths or regional separation buffer.
The complete stacker blueprint like in the screenshot is for up to 8W:
Incoming and outgoing rails are aligned so it can easy replace a straight track part.

General: In some case a train is refusing to stack behind another due to penalties - there is a timer that will unlock the clear rails if there is one available after a duration of time (Timer Unit T>=300 (5sec)). Power connection required to work correctly.

On power fail: May works slower but still lets trains pass and stack but may not stack correctly or a train may block the stacker back side for a while which make trains behind wait at the length check.

Diffrent setups:
Modular Segment blueprints included in the Book for diffrent setups (segments markered in the screenshot). Extendable in both length and number of lanes (or less lanes if you want).
The segments should be placed with overlaping signals so that the wire will be connected. If the waiting time should be longer or shorter for stack-behind refusing trains it can be changed in the timer unit at the length check front part (the one with >=).

Dont forget:
- Minimum length of quirky-stacker and length-check should fit the largest train that comes through!
- red wire connection from stacker end and length check poles
- outleading signal
- give power

Bluebook string:
Quirky Stacker & Segments
Quirky Stacker & Segments
Quirky Stacker.jpg (886.81 KiB) Viewed 5539 times
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Re: Quirky Stacker - Extendable/Modular

Post by TaxiService »

wow!! it's like the one i made but completely different!! uncanny! :o

looks interesting. cant wait to check it out and see how you did it!
my mods and 'prints
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Re: Quirky Stacker - Extendable/Modular

Post by mrvn »

How much delay is there between the length check seeing a train and the train picking a new path to where it can wait in the stacker?
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Re: Quirky Stacker - Extendable/Modular

Post by Hyenna »

Sorry for the late response,
when the train is arriving at the last green signal before the red one at the locking unit it will turn available path green instantly and let it pass through locking unit. Or if the train tries to take another path (standing on the checking rail for too long) will open free rails after 5 seconds - which can be changed for adjustment in the timer block (Timer Unit T>=300 (5sec)).
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