Various mining options

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Various mining options

Post by alercah »

Just putting down some idle thoughts that I mentioned in discord a while back:
  • Mountains that can be mined and act as obstacles; blowing them up uses up the resources. You can mine them for a long time before they deplete. Miners should be able to move slowly inward.
  • Resources that deliberately have multiple types of resource that can be harvested with either different miners or different fluids, but unlike overlapping resources you only get one. Mining either depletes the supply. Might be implementable as a single resource which combo miner-assemblers can create into the actual desired resource.
  • Resource fields that mining one resource leaves behind another with different mining requirements, so to get to the second resource you must get through the first.
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Re: Various mining options

Post by ZombieMooose »

The developers mentioned in a recent Friday facts they'd like to implement more "discovery" options like full mountain ranges and the like, so this may be vanilla soon enough.

KingArthur revitalized a dirty mining mod recently, where after a while resources become dirty then trace and require separate processes in order to get ore from as a way of having infinite ores. I think he paused development currently though to work on the Pyanodon patch.

Reika also has a version of dirty ore but my experience has been Reika's mods don't play well with other mods so ymmv.

Mylon also has prospecting but I personally haven't used it yet.

As for multiple ores in one patch something similar would be Mylon's DivOresity and of course Angel's Refining.

I know these aren't exactly what you're looking for, but they may scratch the itch for a little while. Plus they'll bump the idea which I like also.
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Re: Various mining options

Post by alercah »

Angel's refining is somewhat different since you process away from the field. My idea is that you can't do that; you must choose when extracting what resource to get.

I'm not sure it's actually better than Angel's though, except perhaps thematically.
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Re: Various mining options

Post by ZombieMooose »

I've toyed with the idea of mineral processing that focuses on gangue, tailings, and overburden but I'm nowhere near proficient enough of a modder to pull that off.
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Re: Various mining options

Post by kingarthur »

alercah wrote: Sun Sep 15, 2019 8:57 pm Just putting down some idle thoughts that I mentioned in discord a while back:

Mountains that can be mined and act as obstacles; blowing them up uses up the resources. You can mine them for a long time before they deplete. Miners should be able to move slowly inward.
wouldnt be 2 hard to do as resource can have collision with player and things
Resources that deliberately have multiple types of resource that can be harvested with either different miners or different fluids, but unlike overlapping resources you only get one. Mining either depletes the supply. Might be implementable as a single resource which combo miner-assemblers can create into the actual desired resource.
that cant be done as a resource directly. would need to be some kind of muti part entity to pull off but ive already done a thing like it for pypetroleumhandling for oil/ nat gas wells
Resource fields that mining one resource leaves behind another with different mining requirements, so to get to the second resource you must get through the first.
also already dont this as part of the dirty ores mod zombiemoose mentioned. in that mod it just gives different types of a single resource but would take much to edit it to be different resource per "layer"
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Re: Various mining options

Post by BlueTemplar »

Angels Infinite Ores require various mining fluids.
So do PyMods for most ores ("infinite" or not), but Py is pretty hardcore...
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Re: Various mining options

Post by Honktown »

1) You can change resource to look like rocks, and they have collision boxes. Maybe could be made impassible (like normal buildings), not sure about giving them health, but check out demo-resources.lua

2) See if you can exploit the system:

Code: Select all

    minable =
      mining_particle = .. "-particle",
      mining_time = resource_parameters.mining_time,
      result =

Code: Select all

results =
        name = "uranium-235",
        probability = 0.007,
        amount = 1
        name = "uranium-238",
        probability = 0.993,
        amount = 1
(flag vs sub-entity, so probably won't work, but the functions are probably similar)

3) See the Prospector mod. It literally does that, but it used hardness as the mining requirement. You can probably data:extend like based\categories\resource-category.lua to have new categories for your resources, and then have a drill which can mine both basic-solid and/or only the new category (see the electric-drill or burner-drill). I assume Prospector uses the same method for the Fracking mod for changing a resource patch, which is for oil instead of ores.
I have mods! I guess!
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