PS: also it would be nice if mod configs where collabsilbe (aka:

That doesn't look broken. It just looks like there aren't enough startup settings to need a scroll bar.waduk wrote: Wed Sep 04, 2019 1:04 pm Can confirm, i have the same issue [0.17.67].
I attached the mod-list.json in the bottom of this post.
Here's the (partial) setting screenshot :
Note : I also tried to delete mod-settings.dat, but the issue still persist.
If you can reproduce this issue in the latest version of the game, make new report including screenshots, your log and save file.
Does it though? Because I fixed an issue just like this recently in the mod settings GUI.Anson wrote: Tue May 26, 2020 9:14 pm just for info: this problem is only minor, but still is marked as "resolved", and yet it still exists in 0.18.26 ...