This bug is affected by the amount of inventory slots and the vertical height of the factorio window. I play in maximised windowed mode and my monitor has a resolution of 1920x1080. This means that the game window is slightly smaller than Full HD. I've researched the tool belt (10 additional inventory slots, so 1 additional bar), wear a MK 2 power armor (3 additional bars) and play with an inventory mod (adds 4 bars). Together this means that I always have this bug with the deconstruction planner.
How to reproduce the bug without installing mods:
- Set the game to windowed mode. Change the horizontal size to as big as possible and the vertical height to half that much. (Exact values don't matter)
- Open a world where you already researched the toolbelt and wear Power Armor MK2.
- Open a deconstruction planner.
- If the bug isn't already visible, reduce the vertical height of the window a bit. Repeat until the bug happens.

[You can change the title of this thread if you know a better one. I tried my best. ^^]