Btw i cheat a bunch playing this map so yeah... that says alot right there lol
as long as you are having fun thats the important part

That's exactly what I have done but I still can't load the scenario it just loads a regular world when I select it in scenarios.
hmm... are you playing the latest version of factorio? If not maybe thats the cause...warmerspy wrote: Sun Aug 18, 2019 12:22 pm That's exactly what I have done but I still can't load the scenario it just loads a regular world when I select it in scenarios.
Edit the first post and change the subject line
well you might be right but starsector is really vague about the magic behind its high tech stuff so maybe they found a way to output crazy power in a safe manner without blowing up planets xDcgar wrote: Tue Aug 20, 2019 6:21 am Ah yea I think I remember them from the new intro scenario thing.
Perhaps it would be better to delete all but 1 then?
That way power would "ONLY" be on the level of about 50 large nuclear setups combined.
If they were in the city or something it would make sense. The intro does say the place was once a powerhouse. But from a single crashed ship???
Story wise I would think a ship with such insane power would be able to just incinerate the whole planet as well as any foes instead of being shot down. But that would be too quick of a playthrough lol.
I think invincible setting in any game defeats the idea of a game, why play?lilstrip wrote: Mon Aug 19, 2019 7:14 am some biter bases are set as invincible for challenge purposes but if you dont like that open up the editor and feel free to remove that trait :3
just use the /editor command and click on the spawner, you will get the option to remove that traitDark_star wrote: Tue Aug 20, 2019 1:09 pmI think invincible setting in any game defeats the idea of a game, why play?lilstrip wrote: Mon Aug 19, 2019 7:14 am some biter bases are set as invincible for challenge purposes but if you dont like that open up the editor and feel free to remove that trait :3
How would you edit invincible setting?
thanks much for the great scenario.