Thanks, but I'm afraid that's a bit exaggerated: By playing with the latest unstable version, I know that every update could break something. It's still not active bug hunting, but consciously putting myself in a situation where there is a good chance to get bitten by a random bug (which I then will report). Also, I wouldn't claim that I've contributed a lot -- I guess there's a number of people who've reported more and more important bugs than I ever will. But I believe that every report of even the most obscure bug will help the developers to make Factorio (stable) a truly polished, great game. In this light, it would seem better to advise people to regularly back up their game data or even keep different versions of the game installedOktokolo wrote: Fri Aug 09, 2019 1:42 pm Thank you for working as a tester for my favorite large-scale base building game. There is the way bigger group of players who are indeed hyped for every update and don't wait because they want to play each update as soon as it happens. But they don't actively search for bugs so might miss some low-impact ones, wich testers like you might catch.
Is that even possible with Steam? I honestly don't know as I've only used single player mode with locally installed versions downloaded directly or updated from the game.
than to discourage them from upgrading early. You know: bigger player base --> more diversity regarding hardware and system configurations --> higher chance that something will break and can be fixed as the devs get to know about it.