Names of Possible YTers to approach

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Names of Possible YTers to approach

Post by Jetadolkun »

This game is so underrated it is sickening. Yes, having the multi-player complete would make a huge difference as well as a slightly more diverse enemy to fight, but this game is certainly a gem to find! The detail this game has is just astounding.

Here is a list of some YTers that do LPs of indy games here and there. It's worth a shot of sending them a key with a quick letter explaining the game and see where it goes from there.

EthosLab ... FWJW1vYsMA

Blitzkriegsler ... 1Pevo1MzfQ

Day9TV ... ezoS00fLkA

docm77 ... hKuNv3LXpQ

HuskyStarcraft ... vZKFl-AFdA

Force Strategy Gaming ... DEuKTO4Oew

PewDiePie ... 4_Vd_AJ5Yw

paulsoaresjr ... 8Q1sqJmYPQ

PauseUnpause ... v1fEMbjaPA

PsyStarcraft ... k8X8yIynNQ

VintageBeef ... a9OTzP0p7g

YOGSCAST Duncan ... EM-3n0-6xQ

YOGSCAST Lewis & Simon ... 9ftVSnrCIQ

I know they are pretty busy people, but it couldn't hurt to give it a shot. Just like with Quill last weekend - all it takes is for one of these guys to pick it up for thousands of people to see how good this game really is. I'm not a guru or anything, but this game is just so underrated for the quality you instilled into the gameplay and design.

Best of luck,
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Re: Names of Possible YTers to approach

Post by kovarex »

Hello, thank you for the list, I added it to our internal wiki. Our experience from the indiegogo campaign, is that emailing big youtubers with requests to be covered are left unnoticed. Especially when you are a small unfinished game. The best way to get them interested is when they find about us themselves or when they are told to cover us by their subscribers.

Anyway, we may still give it a try later on.
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Re: Names of Possible YTers to approach

Post by StuffPlus »

I always seem to go unnoticed :( Feel free to add me to the list:

I actually cover the game already and combined the series currently has over 150,000 views, yet it seems to go pretty much unnoticed around most places. Feel free to share it :D
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Re: Names of Possible YTers to approach

Post by ssilk »

I want to mention also, that we have a wiki-page about the lets plays. ... t%27s_play

Be free to add yourself with a link! (+ version, language, type, short comment/specials etc.)
I plan to change the order of that to a self-sortable table, preordered by version.
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Re: Names of Possible YTers to approach

Post by slpwnd »

StuffPlus wrote: I actually cover the game already and combined the series currently has over 150,000 views, yet it seems to go pretty much unnoticed around most places. Feel free to share it :D
I have seen couple of your Factorio LPs and really like them;)
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Re: Names of Possible YTers to approach

Post by Carflashen »

I let Dreamreaver and Applenut know about the game..
also twitter should help to 'spead' this wonderfull game.
Can you believe Mindcraft combined with Cimcity????
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Re: Names of Possible YTers to approach

Post by Reduced_Silver »

Whilst I appreciate what the OP has done, I disagree with targeting these LPers.

They are too big. They have to find it themselves or via being harassed by fans, like the creator of this game has mentioned. In this day and age, there are too many games being spammed at these people.

Look at the recent example of his sales' success- quill18. This guy is a 100k subscriber base LPer. He caused a surge in sales, that caused Kovarex to write an excited Friday post. This guy is not too big to ignore posts.

The LPers in the 10k to 100k subscriber base should be targeted, like the guy who posted on this thread- officialstuffplus. I found the game by looking at his level of LP- the smaller fanbase creators. His content is excellent.

Go for smaller guys WHO SPECIFICALLY PLAY AND HAVE A FANBASE who play these games. Like:

Search for any 10k to 100k LPer who plays Dwarf Fortress, CiV, Rimworld or an Indie specialist.

MadDjinn : ... U0Q6kndAQA

Marbozir : ... 6hlAZ-Et9g

MathasGames : ... QiHnUqi_QA

That is my opinion. Think smaller.
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Re: Names of Possible YTers to approach

Post by slay_mithos »

Also, if you want this game to be covered correctly, you need people that are going to put enough time into it to at least know how to start and play, which goes right against people like simon and lewis (yogscast)'s way of showing things.

There is relatively little "woah" in this game (apart from, its strength comes from showing really advanced bases, or bitter hordes), most of the appeal of the game (for me, at least) comes from the fact it requires a bit of strategy and understanding of the mechanisms.

Most of the big youtubers mentioned are mostly Minecraft related, with a few videos on other games (indies or not), but most of their time goes to their main series.
When they do "reviews" of other games, it often feels like they barely scratched the surface, and they often make mistakes in their assumptions as a result.

I personally discovered the game from watching xbcrafted (yet an other minecraft youtuber) making a quick few videos on the game, sharing a game he discovered and enjoyed.

On that point, I'll agree with many on that it will only get decent coverage if said youtuber covers it because he/she likes it, rather than semi forcing their hands with spams and offers.
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Re: Names of Possible YTers to approach

Post by Sedado77 »

StuffPlus wrote:I always seem to go unnoticed :( Feel free to add me to the list:

I actually cover the game already and combined the series currently has over 150,000 views, yet it seems to go pretty much unnoticed around most places. Feel free to share it :D
I agree. His videos are GREAT, and he's got quite some views, and his suscribers have shown time and time again that they like the game.
You SHOULD get more hype, your videos are great and you show Really well what Factorio is about :D

(Well, yup, I'm a fan... so sue me!!! xD )
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Re: Names of Possible YTers to approach

Post by Braddock »

StuffPlus wrote:I always seem to go unnoticed :( Feel free to add me to the list:

I actually cover the game already and combined the series currently has over 150,000 views, yet it seems to go pretty much unnoticed around most places. Feel free to share it :D
Oh wow, StuffPlus actually comments here? Awesome. Just wanted to mention mate that I'm a big fan of you work. I'm one of your silent viewers who doesn't count towards your subscriptions though, as I don't have a youtube account. Instead I just keep an organized list of bookmarks/links for the things I like to watch. But your page gets checked almost daily.

Also, I'd never even HEARD of the game before seeing StuffPlus play it and I think I'd made the decision to buy after the first or second episode, even before actually trying it myself. So I'm clearly one of those people that you wouldn't have otherwise gotten it at this point without getting some youtubers showing it off.
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Re: Names of Possible YTers to approach

Post by middle_manager »

Braddock wrote:Instead I just keep an organized list of bookmarks/links for the things I like to watch. But your page gets checked almost daily.
That sounds like an awfully inefficient solution? Do you have a reason? I know 2 of my friends don't want to because of Google+; they don't want to fill it in with information either, it's become sort of a principle
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Re: Names of Possible YTers to approach

Post by ysor123 »

I found this game by accident. I can't believe I haven't heard about this game, although it is so addictive. I'm also going to propose it to some German known youtubers.
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Re: Names of Possible YTers to approach

Post by Braddock »

middle_manager wrote: That sounds like an awfully inefficient solution? Do you have a reason? I know 2 of my friends don't want to because of Google+; they don't want to fill it in with information either, it's become sort of a principle
Much of my reasons sound like they are probably the same your friends. I'm general a private person and have no interest in having various accounts in different places for... well any reason really. I have a rather small online footprint despite how much I peruse, and I feel uncomfortable with anything that really requires me to give out any personal information. Plus, it's fairly easy for my to build a web template that I can throw links for stuff I want to track at, and it will keep things relatively organized for me on it's own.
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Re: Names of Possible YTers to approach

Post by piggy2 »

yogsast sips did a short LP
here's some good music too short?

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Re: Names of Possible YTers to approach

Post by ShadwDrgn »

I might do a short vid series of this sometime soon. I'm having quite a fun time. Woo!
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Re: Names of Possible YTers to approach

Post by Xterminator »

Reduced_Silver wrote:Whilst I appreciate what the OP has done, I disagree with targeting these LPers.

They are too big. They have to find it themselves or via being harassed by fans, like the creator of this game has mentioned. In this day and age, there are too many games being spammed at these people.

Look at the recent example of his sales' success- quill18. This guy is a 100k subscriber base LPer. He caused a surge in sales, that caused Kovarex to write an excited Friday post. This guy is not too big to ignore posts.

The LPers in the 10k to 100k subscriber base should be targeted, like the guy who posted on this thread- officialstuffplus. I found the game by looking at his level of LP- the smaller fanbase creators. His content is excellent.

Go for smaller guys WHO SPECIFICALLY PLAY AND HAVE A FANBASE who play these games. Like:

Search for any 10k to 100k LPer who plays Dwarf Fortress, CiV, Rimworld or an Indie specialist.

MadDjinn : ... U0Q6kndAQA

Marbozir : ... 6hlAZ-Et9g

MathasGames : ... QiHnUqi_QA

That is my opinion. Think smaller.
I agree completely. I found out about this game from watching Aavak, and Arumba who are both in that 10k-100k sub range and play similar type games. I think for the devs to ask big youtubers such as the OP mentioned to feature their game would perhaps make them look bad. Kind of like asking for handouts etc... Now if the YTb's fans ask them or they find it on their own, great, but otherwise probably not so good.

Now someone who I wish would feature it is LethalFrag. He doesn't do YouTube videos, but he streams every day with a pretty good sized audience, and he pretty much only plays indie type games. Not sure he takes game suggestions from fans or anyone else though. Might be worth a try though. :)
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Re: Names of Possible YTers to approach

Post by Zourin »

There are a few LP'ers I follow that may bite for a chance to LP the game for a few episodes if asked.

Quill18 comes to mind first, since he's done quite a bit (and still does) LP's of Banished (and other top-downs/strategies). Mathas and Splattercat also do a lot of good LP's of indie games. They tend to revolve a lot around smaller titles (Splattercat doing a LOT of small alpha/indie games) that most people would otherwise miss. Rimworld, Banished, etc.

I think you could expect a solid review of the game at a minimum. If they take it up, they'll take it as far as they can. They also pay close attention to their mail and will at least respond to a developer request. Not 'big heads' in the least like PDP (ick) but they still have solid bases and are growing.

Splattercat is in the middle of a move this week, and may be due for some new material as his current shows are winding down fairly soon. He would most likely do a couple-episode feature at a minimum, and more if the game sticks until he runs out of material to work with. Quill18 frequently plays with other YT'ers and may even feature a MP play if the feature is solid enough.
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