Factorio Abandoned Colony/Cities (WIP and really large map)

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Re: Factorio Abandoned Colony/Cities (WIP and really large map)

Post by lilstrip »

added a new biome to the mountain pass and itll look really good when i am done working on that area

heres a few pics of wip:




that area will be called ''coastal jungle'' and its gonna fill in the transition between alot of the lower solar city suburbs and biomes near by. Ill add some nasty stuff in case you want to cut through that mountain pass ;)
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Re: Factorio Abandoned Colony/Cities (WIP and really large map)

Post by lilstrip »


got back into the bizz so yeah... progress will be slower than usual, dont want to burn myself out since i havent worked on this for a long time and now i have a job :3

anyways, figured ill reduce the scope of the map just to keep it realistic, i went a little to large scale before and kinda got discouraged so alot of the areas i was planning on doing will mostly be player building areas and gameplay related instead of detailed landscape. I also plan on ditching the idea of having a second city and mostly buff the current one so instead of having 2 large ones ill have the current one finished for the time being and focus on the regional towns next.

I may or may not add starsector references or brigador references in the map as both games have a similar vibe to factorio :)

this map will be alot more fun with mods (for those who will be able to even run this map smoothly) but since i dont want to lose the whole thing due to mod incompatibility (new game versions) ill just finish the vanilla map. One thing I would like to do is add underground mineshafts that people can drive trains into and mine stuff randomly in there but i would need help with making that happen.
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Re: Factorio Abandoned Colony/Cities (WIP and really large map)

Post by lilstrip »


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Re: Factorio Abandoned Colony/Cities (WIP and really large map)

Post by lilstrip »

guess i am back into full swing with this map. Got bored of satisfactory since it just gets pretty stagnant once you reach your goals while factorio constantly throws stuff at you like bitter attacks.

cant wait to make a starport for those using the space exploration mod :D
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Re: Factorio Abandoned Colony/Cities (WIP and really large map)

Post by slippycheeze »

Nice work! Your map is great!

I wondered if you were familiar with the https://mods.factorio.com/mod/f-a-c-t-o-r-i-o mod, which is inspired by the game "stalker" (with extra full stops), and is similarly working on some ruined city effects. Uh, nothing beyond that to add, I'm afraid. I just thought you might be interested, if you didn't already know.
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Re: Factorio Abandoned Colony/Cities (WIP and really large map)

Post by lilstrip »

still massive work in progress but the new direction is actually working out pretty well.

on top of that i got a real good story for this map but its mostly going to make sense for those who have played starsector which is a space exploration game

i also decided to cut some corners in quality since i noticed that while playing lots of detail doesnt really matter and its mostly all about gameplay so the new areas will mostly be copy and pasted areas but they will hopefully be easier for me to make it more fun to play through these areas. I also wanna point out i wont release it till its done since its still really not playable yet and i really have to give a somewhat loose path for the player to follow and not have to fight huge bitter bases with nothing.

I've also decided to leave the starter area mostly empty to allow the player to build their base in those areas for the early to mid points in the game. I will make sure to not give too much stuff in the beginning nor not enough just to keep it somewhat challenging. This wont be an easy map if you go exploring off the start, you will have to think before heading somewhere. It would be nice if someone could make a script so that placed chests can be filled with random items so that players can find randomized loot in the ruins so that the early bits of the play through are somewhat mostly scavenging.

now heres an image for those who dont want to read (tbh i wouldnt read the shit i write but you do you) heres an image for those who only care about that: Image

yes its zoomed out just enough so you can clearly tell all the close details yet. dont wanna have people judging unfinished shit yet
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Re: Factorio Abandoned Colony/Cities (WIP and really large map)

Post by lilstrip »


added world borders with empty chunks past that. Once the map is complete the empty chunks will be deleted so anyone playing with ressource mods will easily be able to access them.

Built a bunch of neighborhoods and also cleaned up the easter part of the map for future development there



progress is really smooth atm so at this rate it shouldnt take 3 years to complete... thank god for the new editor
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Re: Factorio Abandoned Colony/Cities (WIP and really large map)

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Re: Factorio Abandoned Colony/Cities (WIP and really large map)

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Re: Factorio Abandoned Colony/Cities (WIP and really large map)

Post by lilstrip »

thats just a few pics
i could take alot more but i need to get back to work on this. College is starting in 10 days and the clock is ticking
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Re: Factorio Abandoned Colony/Cities (WIP and really large map)

Post by lilstrip »

forgot to mention there are alot more areas done than these pics. all thats missing is loot chests and abandoned cars. I might add some trees but I'll see. currently working on the south section. Should be done either tomorow or after tomorow
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Re: Factorio Abandoned Colony/Cities (WIP and really large map)

Post by lilstrip »


two words: kill me



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Re: Factorio Abandoned Colony/Cities (WIP and really large map)

Post by lilstrip »

its almost done... holy s***... its been a whole year and its finally getting to a point where i can just do finishing touches

the list of things i had planned is getting realllllll short now. Alot of new things I hadnt planned are now here- that aside its 5am i deserve this popcorn and i am starving so theres the update of the day/week.

btw that lower area is far from done but all the shitty stuff (houses, fences, ruins) is done
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Re: Factorio Abandoned Colony/Cities (WIP and really large map)

Post by aka13 »

I love it, how much effort you put into this.
Pony/Furfag avatar? Opinion discarded.
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Re: Factorio Abandoned Colony/Cities (WIP and really large map)

Post by lilstrip »

thanks, hopefully itll pay off :)

I am about to release a play test version so stay tuned for that
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Re: Factorio Abandoned Colony/Cities (WIP and really large map)

Post by lilstrip »

http://www.mediafire.com/file/72c8r4tt2 ... y.zip/file
if the link doesnt work tell me

- the city is done
- you will spawn on an island
-stuff that needs testing: early game balancing stuff and mod compatibility (how easy it is to start the game with mods like bobs installed)

i wouldnt play this if you dont want to get spoiled before the final version

have fun playtesters and please post feedback, itll help make this map better over time :3

LOTS of stuff was added since the last pics
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Re: Factorio Abandoned Colony/Cities (WIP and really large map)

Post by lilstrip »

quick update: the 0.3 update is already extremely outdated and theres already alot more stuff. I wont release new pics since i dont want to spoil stuff but just know this is really good stuff.

playtested the map with other people and the response has been positive so far other than a tad bit confusion over copper deposits for some reason.
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Re: Factorio Abandoned Colony/Cities (WIP and really large map)

Post by lilstrip »

oh and the map shoudl be done before the 22 of august. That means itll be done in a few days at this pace.

btw my brain HURTS so bare with me
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Re: Factorio Abandoned Colony/Cities (WIP and really large map)

Post by lilstrip »


guess i might take pics from random areas i guess... the map is so big this isnt even 1% of the map lol
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Re: Factorio Abandoned Colony/Cities (WIP and really large map)

Post by lilstrip »

version 0.4 will be out soon. it will add content to the northern portion of them map, the finished fast travel system and content to the east

well, the north is done and the fast travel is as well (TGV) ssssssssssso all i have to do is finish the eastern coast.

0.5 might be the final version with the spaceport to the south of the map and i will also finish the southern passage.
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