Suggestion: Introduce choice to prevent updated ingredient changes but allow new features / bug fixes / content

Ideas that are too old (too many things have changed since) and ones which won't be implemented for certain reasons or if there are obviously better suggestions.

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Suggestion: Introduce choice to prevent updated ingredient changes but allow new features / bug fixes / content

Post by Ghostwheel »

Or stop introducing game breaking ingredient changes. Instead of new fun stuff were getting changes that break bases that some of us have spent hundreds of hours on. Why is this still happening and when will it be actually safe to play? It's such a shame for such a great game to have these development decisions. Ingredients should have been worked out years ago, Wube. Game has been out since 2012. 7 YEARS AGO.

Add a damn check box to prevent ingredient changes until you have your crap together, please.
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Re: Suggestion: Introduce choice to prevent updated ingredient changes but allow new features / bug fixes / content

Post by Koub »

My countersuggestion is :

First, chill down, there's no need to be so aggressive
Second, If you want to play a map without having to cope with base breaking changes, play stable versions, or at least don't automatically upgrade to the last unstable.
Third, if you don't like changes, don't play Early Access games
Fourth, if You really really don't like changes, wait for games that get expansions to be in GOTY/gold version with guaranteed no further expansion that might change inner mechanisms.

People who play Factorio since 2012 will have had hundreds to thousands hours of fun at the cost of sometimes having to tear part of their factory or restart a new map. I think it's a bargain.
Koub - Please consider English is not my native language.
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Re: Suggestion: Introduce choice to prevent updated ingredient changes but allow new features / bug fixes / content

Post by BlueTemplar »

How to download a specific version of the game :

Make a account if you haven't already, log in, link your website account to your Steam account if you need to,
then use a link like this:
(replace with relevant version/OS, see the specific syntax by looking at links in )
BobDiggity (mod-scenario-pack)
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Re: Suggestion: Introduce choice to prevent updated ingredient changes but allow new features / bug fixes / content

Post by Darinth »

Sorry dude, but I'm solidly with Koub and Templar. You're...

A: Playing an Early Access game
B: Playing on the unstable version of the early access game this is being regularly patched and changed.

Did you really think that during this process there weren't going to be factory breaking changes...? :(
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Re: Suggestion: Introduce choice to prevent updated ingredient changes but allow new features / bug fixes / content

Post by slippycheeze »

Mods to restore "traditional" oil are ====> that way.

Also, 0.16 is nice, stable, and has zero oil changes. Don't play experimental if you want stability.
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Re: Suggestion: Introduce choice to prevent updated ingredient changes but allow new features / bug fixes / content

Post by Ghostwheel »

You guys are missing the point. "Balancing" should be a separated / checkmarked branch / option. Fixes, Features, Content etc... should be able to be enjoyed without the changes to balancing. I very much enjoy the new action bar and updated map editor... there are countless new features and updates with .17 that everyone is enjoying. However, not everyone is enjoying the shuffling of recipes. Anyone who's been wanting to enjoy these new features, content, etc... has now had their bases broken because of simple recipe changes.

Second, your argument for "dont buy early access" I bought the game a year ago and it had been in early access for 6 years. For 6 years they are still deciding recipes. At this point its just becoming and excuse for any issues. Coding, crash fixing, new features etc for 6 years is one thing. But recipe changes? How much longer will it be before recipes are done, 12 years?

This is a problem. We need a check box (or some workaround) to allow/disallow the balancing changes.
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Re: Suggestion: Introduce choice to prevent updated ingredient changes but allow new features / bug fixes / content

Post by Oktokolo »

Ghostwheel wrote: Fri Aug 02, 2019 10:29 pm You guys are missing the point. "Balancing" should be a separated / checkmarked branch / option. Fixes, Features, Content etc... should be able to be enjoyed without the changes to balancing. I very much enjoy the new action bar and updated map editor... there are countless new features and updates with .17 that everyone is enjoying. However, not everyone is enjoying the shuffling of recipes. Anyone who's been wanting to enjoy these new features, content, etc... has now had their bases broken because of simple recipe changes.
If Wube would be Debian, there would be a long-term stable wich still gets bug fixes backported two years after introducing the next regular stable wich would exist in addition to the obligatoric experimental branch. But Wube is a smallish game studio and not a big OS maker. They do not have the manpower to do that.

Also, work invested in backporting stuff is essentially wasted in the long term. In general, game developers don't maintain more than one version just because it is more efficient and allows to spend all resources on actual development.

And Wube does not intend to make more than one Factorio. They are just still making it and allow us to get snapshots of the unfinished product on the way. Traditionally, a games studio would carry its idea to an investor, get the needed money, finish the game and then sell it. Wube took the early-access route instead where they have the actual players finance the development of the game while they still make it. That way, there is no big investor who only cares about making profit and takes a big ahare of the selling price without actually contributing to the game in another way than just having had lying around enough money to finance it upfront.

So there are strong reasons for the development cycle beeing like it is. And it is highly unlikely, that it will change.

By the way: Old basic oil processing - just in case you really want the old recipes back.
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Re: Suggestion: Introduce choice to prevent updated ingredient changes but allow new features / bug fixes / content

Post by steinio »

--> not implemented

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Re: Suggestion: Introduce choice to prevent updated ingredient changes but allow new features / bug fixes / content

Post by Klonan »

Not gonna happen,

If you don't want changes to a game you're playing, don't opt-in to an experimental alpha build of an unfinished game
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Re: Suggestion: Introduce choice to prevent updated ingredient changes but allow new features / bug fixes / content

Post by slippycheeze »

Klonan wrote: Sat Aug 03, 2019 8:45 am Not gonna happen,
If you don't want changes to a game you're playing, don't opt-in to an experimental alpha build of an unfinished game
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