- like they once were ?
(from 0.16.51 fluid.lua, emphasis mine)
Code: Select all
type = "fluid",
name = "crude-oil",
default_temperature = 25,
heat_capacity = "0.1KJ",
base_color = {r=0, g=0, b=0},
flow_color = {r=0.5, g=0.5, b=0.5},
max_temperature = 100,
icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fluid/crude-oil.png",
icon_size = 32,
pressure_to_speed_ratio = 0.4,
flow_to_energy_ratio = 0.59,
-- fuel_value = "8MJ", <=============================
order = "a[fluid]-b[crude-oil]"
Or at least it should be a "community" mod, like https://mods.factorio.com/mod/stdlib
P.S.: See also :
Bob's Mods, 0.16 : "Planned: Fuel values on fluids and Hydrogen balance. Give opinions."