Oposite of util.parse_energy(energy)

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Oposite of util.parse_energy(energy)

Post by lovely_santa »


util.parse_energy(energy) will revert a string to a value. While creating some localised_description with additional values, I came across the need of converting an int value to it's string value (localised version then). Bilka said, when finished I should ask to add this to the core game lualib.

The function:

Code: Select all

  local prefix = {
function util.createPrefixedValue(value, localisedUnitSymbol, roundPresicion)
  -- roundPresicion defaults to 0 (aka integer value)

  local prefixIndex = 0
  while (value > 1000 and prefixIndex < #prefix) do
    value = value / 1000
    prefixIndex = prefixIndex + 1
  prefix = prefix[prefixIndex]

  if roundPresicion then -- make sure it is an uint value
    roundPresicion = math.floor(roundPresicion + 0.5)
    roundPresicion = roundPresicion > 0 and roundPresicion or nil

  return {"",
    string.format(roundPresicion and "%."..roundPresicion.."f " or "%i ", value),
    prefix or localisedUnitSymbol, prefix and localisedUnitSymbol or nil
  • It will parse the value and add the correct prefix symbol (for example 1001 converts to 1k, while 500 will not have a prefix)
  • The passed localisedUnitSymbol will add the unit to the value, can be hardcoded as well, could also be empty ("" or nil).
  • Code probably will need to be converted to use _ instead of capitalized characters

Code: Select all

util.createPrefixedValue(123456789, {"si-unit-symbol-watt"})
    => ingame shows as "123 MW"
util.createPrefixedValue(123456789, "W", 3)
    => ingame shows as "123.456 MW"
util.createPrefixedValue(2/3, {"si-unit-symbol-watt"}, 3)
    => ingame shows as "0.667 W"
Kind regards
Last edited by lovely_santa on Sat Jul 27, 2019 5:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Oposite of util.parse_energy(energy)

Post by Boodals »

The code can be optimized a bunch. There's no reason to create the lookup table every time you call the function, and the while loop can be flattened using logarithms I believe.
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Re: Oposite of util.parse_energy(energy)

Post by lovely_santa »

The lookup table can indeed be put outside the actual function; which I updated the initial code post.
And the while loop could be changed to if elseif ... else end case, but that's what i've put in discord first, and was requested to change...
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Re: Oposite of util.parse_energy(energy)

Post by eradicator »

I don't know what you talked about on discord so i don't know the precise requirements, but i've used something like this so far. It'll treat any garbage input as "0" to avoid errors, not sure if raising errors is preferred here.
Edit1: Also not sure why you need the ability to use a custom override for the prefix, but i've put it in there anyway. Ah, *cough* i see. Lemme fix that...
Edit2: Fixed a few bugs along the way. Should now work for negative numbers too.

Code: Select all

local misc = {} --rename to util or whatever
local prefixes = {
  [3 ] = "kilo" , [6 ] = "mega" , [9 ] = "giga" ,
  [12] = "tera" , [15] = "peta" , [18] = "exa"  ,
  [21] = "zetta", [24] = "yotta",  
function misc .power_string_from_number(number,unit,precision)
  precision = math.max(0,math.floor(tonumber(precision) or 0))
  number    = tonumber(number) or 0
  local l = (number == 0) and 1 or math.floor(math.log(math.abs(number),10))
  local n = math.min(24,l - (l % 3))
  return {
    prefixes[n] and {"si-prefix-symbol-"..prefixes[n]} or unit,
    prefixes[n] and unit or nil

Code: Select all

local function test(x) print(x[2],x[3][1],(x[4] or {})[1]) end --[[out-of-game testing]]
test(misc .power_string_from_number(1234.567890,{"si-unit-symbol-watt"}))
test(misc .power_string_from_number(12345670,{"si-unit-symbol-watt"},2))
test(misc .power_string_from_number(1234567890,{"si-unit-symbol-watt"},2))
test(misc .power_string_from_number(12345600000000000000000000000007890,{"si-unit-symbol-watt"},2))
test(misc .power_string_from_number(-12.6667,{"si-unit-symbol-watt"},2))
test(misc .power_string_from_number("a",{"si-unit-symbol-watt"},-2))
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