construction bot with artillery shell not putting it in a chest

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construction bot with artillery shell not putting it in a chest

Post by lordsith »


I am encountering a problem: I have since +-10 hours ingame some construction bots who are transporting "artillery shell". They are staying in the air and do nothing. I have the notification "not enough place in logistic network" which is quite strange since I have +- 100 yellow logistic chests and some of them are newly put, and empty (and reserved for artillery shells).

But those bots are staying in the air.
And I can't "mine them" since I have a mod which prevents mining bot.

How can I force those construction bots to empty themselves?
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Re: construction bot with artillery shell not putting it in a chest

Post by Serenity »

You mean logistics bots

Are your roboports probably connected to each other? Maybe you have separate networks
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Re: construction bot with artillery shell not putting it in a chest

Post by TheBloke »

He might mean construction bots, if he deconstructed one or more artillery turrets or chests containing shells.

OP: if these definitely are construction bots, then are you sure they're bots from roboports and not your personal roboport(s)? If they're from your personal roboports, then they will be trying to bring the shells back to your own inventory, not the storage chests of the network. Is your inventory full?

If they are roboport construction bots, or logistic bots, then yes it's odd that it's not using the chests. Yeah, I would check that the chests are actually in the network the OP expects them to be in. Hitting the L key to bring up the Logistic Network UI can be useful, eg if you expect to only have one large network covering the whole base, and the Logistic UI shows extra ones, then that could indicate a problem.

Note that the Logistic UI will include your own personal roboport network, if you have one. So take that into account when counting networks on the logistic UI.

If it's none of those things, then some screenshots might help?
Last edited by TheBloke on Tue Jul 23, 2019 2:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: construction bot with artillery shell not putting it in a chest

Post by Serenity »

He might mean construction bots, if he deconstructed one or more artillery turrets or chests containing shells.
Ah, yeah that's probably it :)
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Re: construction bot with artillery shell not putting it in a chest

Post by lordsith »


Yes I meant construction bot. I think it happened when I cut/pasted my "artillery train station" to reverse it (making the train station facing the main rails, and not back to it (and in doing so, reduce the need for the train which I would ask to depart to an artillery-outpost to make an additional turn it could have done at the moment it arrives to charge, - which is a moment where i don't care for the timing, in opposition to the moment I need it to go make war-).

I'm quite certain they are not from my personal roboport (and I have been staying in that area for hours standing still, because I play while doing work at home, so it happens that I do not move ingame for hours while I work; I guess if they would have been from my personal roboport, they would have come back to me).

The logistic network of my main base is a big one (and apart from my persnoal roboport , there are only networks in my mining outposts, which are quite far and only 1-5 roboports, where the onf of my mine base as like 1000 roboports).

I will try to make a printscreen tonight if I don't forget. The bots themselves are hard to see because they are hovering above my "construction train" station, which is the train where I have lot of chests to bring tools to build outpost (but I guess you know this kind of thing. It was a friend of mine who brought the idea some weeks ago and I like it).
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Re: construction bot with artillery shell not putting it in a chest

Post by Koub »

Within the logistic network, plonk down a handful logistic storage chests. Should do the trick.
Koub - Please consider English is not my native language.
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Re: construction bot with artillery shell not putting it in a chest

Post by lordsith »


I have done that and still they do not move. (After taking the Printscreen, I added +-20 yellow chets to the one currently active you see in the image)

See the printscreens attached:
constructionbot2.PNG (510.61 KiB) Viewed 2556 times
logistic network #6 with 1050 roboports.
constructionbot.PNG (4.13 MiB) Viewed 2556 times
the bots.

I saw two other constrtuction bot, each with yellow bot. Each of the bot is circled in red. The new chest (and +-20 more now after reading here to post my screenshot) are underlined with red lines.
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Re: construction bot with artillery shell not putting it in a chest

Post by Koub »

Well I'm clueless then :)
Koub - Please consider English is not my native language.
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Re: construction bot with artillery shell not putting it in a chest

Post by TheBloke »

Yeah this is odd. You are playing a heavily modded game, so we can't rule out the possibility that there's some modded weirdness going on.

Can you:
* Press F4
* In the Debug->Always menu, tick show-debug-info-in-tooltips
* Now hover your cursor over one of the construction bots that are stuck, like that one we see in the middle-top of the second screenshot
* Show us a screenshot of that, showing the tooltip for that construction bot.
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