Watch my Twitch Stream! Might be Live too.

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Watch my Twitch Stream! Might be Live too.

Post by Ghoulish »

I started a new thread which has nothing to to do with my ability to spell Twitch correctly. Sorry Moderators!
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Yesterday was a bit of a disaster, had a few mod problems which took forever to sort - had 2 mods doing the same sort of thing etc, few crashes too). I then thought I'd tweak the memory setting in the BIOS a bit, just to get a little more, and ended up in a bios reboot cycle. So a side off the computer after dragging out from under the desk, after getting on my hands and knees (bad back) To disconnect the wires, and then doing that in reverse again, I think we're good to go :D

Bunch of new MODs were added, bobs stuff (no ores, belts, inserters, modules, really cut back settings to try and keep the vanilla vibe a little), Rampant, which already got me twice in 30 minutes yesterday, 2x health and speed all biters + bobs warfare adds, with 1.5 damage). Removed a bunch too, one gave me better repair packs (which is now part of the bob suite) So the walls aren't getting any repair, think. So there's a bug infestation problem in various places. And I have more new tech to build, try, figure out, research than you can shake a stick at, and because I sorted the MOD issues yesterday with a fresh install, I missed one of the config files or somesuch as auto research wont now work, devs setting or some such, I hope launching a rocket will sort it. Of with I'm on 9,997 odd lauches, big milestone coming soon (TM).

No talk, just Factorio and house beats, bit like radio! With Pictures. Which some might call TV..
Last edited by Ghoulish on Tue Jul 23, 2019 4:20 am, edited 7 times in total.
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Re: Watch my Twitch Stream! Might be Live too.

Post by Koub »

Koub - Please consider English is not my native language.
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Re: Watch my Twitch Stream! Might be Live too.

Post by Ghoulish »

Been an interesting couple of days in the Factory. Whilst swapping between various MODS I made a very small, some might say a totally inconsequential mistake, which is hardly of any real note. I thought I left one train MOD installed whilst I built the newer stuff from bobs. There was a slight error somewhere in this.. So all my trains loaded with no locomotives. Fun fun. In short order the factory ran out of incoming resources for some reason, so no new stuff was getting made. So I couldn't build what I needed, like the trains - to get ye olde Factory running again.

And whilst this was happening, it was all unfolding at 1 or 2 mph as the same MOD which upped the trains, was being used for my armor. So no armor, no trains (lots of cargo wagons, just missing the somewhat crucial motion lotion part). No new stuff being made, though scavenging the bots storage, got me some odds and ends, oh, that same MOD? Did the walls too, I have a perimeter of sorts.. Trump should view this game for ideas on his future Mexico foreign policy. Though maybe even the assembler > inserter > box concept would fly over that muppets head.

Little off track, TLDR things weren't going the best, really. Though two saving graces were the turret shield mod which saved or at the very least delayed the destruction of some turrets, and a big bank of nuclear fuel for the reactors, all set up with a speaker to warn me when low, the smart thing to do!

So I go about getting some trains built with nothing to build them from and finally manage to get a few running - just dragged them from the stacker to unloader and sent them on to queue in one of the various gridlocks, and went about armor making. Bobs changes how robo's and bots are built, I think there's 9 different intermediate items needed for each type of bot. So a little time is needed setting up 5 ranks of bot, 3 of exoskeleton, 5 of personal reactor, and I think another 5 for your personal robo's. A couple of higher tier items needed alien loot, which I had next to none of, so had to be accuired with poor armor and movement speed (but I did have a car by now! It went all of 4 mph, maybe 5 or 6 with a tailwind.

Sometime later. Things were on the up, I was running about faster than Superman heading for the toilet after a night at a Taco joint. Fusion powered robots did my bidding (not the logistics network though). Still had a lot to do, no walls with sections of turrets missing, most with no repair or replacement parts available. But most of the trains were back up, few lines here and there with out of fuel issues. But I finally had top tier reactors, bots and exo's for me. I had a nice line of aircraft, tanks, and was just placing my first helicopter pad down when it crashed. 90, 100 odd minutes of work gone. Big sad face. I set the save timer high because it takes so long to save **. Catch 22. I rarely get true game crashes, and MOD wise usually it's an error only. Shit happens.

I redid some of what was lost, thankfully the trains were / are fixed and in a save, and as I was meandering about the base, downtrodden like a mink coat that's been in a puddle of shit for 2 weeks, fighting though! Always fighting! I suddenly started to think the Factory was looking a little dark. Now the first thought that sprang to mind was that a MOD wasn't working. What else would it be? Had nothing but (mostly self induced) MOD issues, with reload after reload for days. But it's just a brighter lamp MOD which I've used for ages and is more stable than any relationship I've been in. After checking I wasn't still wearing my sunglasses, the next thought was that if this was a movie and it happened.. I would grab the bike keys and nope right out of there faster than a bazzillion exo-skeleton mk10's. Then as I continued on, into the ever darker, deeper depths, a murky heavy silence crept over the base. ... Sums up the mood. I figured I best take a hike over to the power, things were getting desperate in very short order, no power for radar or defence! Whatever bloody malware that infected the lights was now taking the radars offline! Because I knew it couldn't be the power as I had reserves of nuclear fuel, and even set up a speaker to warn me when low.

I arrived at the power plant to find no nuclear fuel of course. Two issues led to what might be described as the best **** up yet. Firstly, there was one train (the only train not fixed I believe) Blocking uranium offload. And two, I muted the alarms earlier when the walls vanished and previous alarms set up went off. TLDR of this is I had to set up a steam power grid, isolated, to craft more fuel, hand feed the reactors.

Fun fun.

The saga continues, goin` live soon ™

... Launching soon ...

** Might swap to Linux for this very reason.
See the daily™ struggles with my Factory! :D
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