Have you read this very interessting article written by a starcraft 1 developer?kovarex wrote:Edit: I know that Starcraft made it deterministic, so it has to be possible
http://www.codeofhonor.com/blog/tough-t ... -starcraft
Have you read this very interessting article written by a starcraft 1 developer?kovarex wrote:Edit: I know that Starcraft made it deterministic, so it has to be possible
The entire blog is quite intereseting.BurnHard wrote:Have you read this very interessting article written by a starcraft 1 developer?
http://www.codeofhonor.com/blog/tough-t ... -starcraft
You're welcome.MF- wrote:The entire blog is quite intereseting.BurnHard wrote:Have you read this very interessting article written by a starcraft 1 developer?
http://www.codeofhonor.com/blog/tough-t ... -starcraft
Thanks for the link.
Flux Faraday wrote:>> ... But I'm coming to a realisation, that although the game can become bigger and bigger, the feasibility of getting to the point of having 0 bugreports and no tasks on the todolist is comparable to the feasibility of filling the infinite space with sphere made from very limited amount of resources.
Hmmm. Well you could "simply" make the bugs a little smarter, or make them mod-controllable so the modders can do it (maybe they are already), and call it done. It's already a wonderful game. You should save something for factorio 2 (or whatever comes next)
("simply" is in quotes because nothing in game programming is ever very simple)
lol. Yes, I should have said "biter," not "bug"ible wrote:Simply making bugs; I can do that.