Adding redprints and greenprints prints to blueprint library

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Adding redprints and greenprints prints to blueprint library

Post by TheRaph »

As described here, there are much possibilities with deconstruction planer. Different filter settings for example.

I you've got some well adjusted decon planner you have to carry them around in your inventory, each of them blocking a whole slot in your inventory.

Suggestion: Handle it like a blueprint and put it among the blueprints in the library.
If this would be a problem, please make a "redprint book" to store them together, so it needs only one inventory slot.
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Re: Adding redprints and greenprints prints to blueprint library

Post by Darinth »

Huh... I thought this was on the 0.17 feature list... but when I went back and looked at the patch notes it's not there. I'm pretty certain that the ability to store deconstruction planners like they were blueprints is in fact a planned feature.
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Re: Adding redprints and greenprints prints to blueprint library

Post by steinio »

Well the blueprint library overhaul is not finished so this functionallity may be added with it.

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Re: Adding redprints and greenprints prints to blueprint library

Post by TheRaph »

I hope so :)
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Re: Adding redprints and greenprints prints to blueprint library

Post by AileTheAlien »

+1 for deconstruction books. What are greenprints, though?
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Re: Adding redprints and greenprints prints to blueprint library

Post by BlueTemplar »

Yeah, greenprints become blue if you drag them to the blueprint book...
Also, yellowprints !
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Planners: allow saving upgrade/deconstruction planners to the blueprint library

Post by slippycheeze »

There are a handful of regular deconstruction and upgrade choices I make. It would be nice to be able to save those, as I save blueprints, so I don't have to painfully reconstruct them every time I want to use them.

What ?
Examples of filters that are annoying to build:
  • I hurt myself by using Alien Biomes, and wanting a "rocks only" deconstruction plan. With all 30-ish rocks in it.
  • deconstruct rail: multiple rail types, signals, belts and splitters used in stations, several chest types, etc.
  • deconstruct the floor: multiple floor types, concrete, hazard concrete, stone path, etc, pick all.
  • upgrade: I unlocked the logistics, construction, and power to upgrade factory chunks, do them all in one shot only.
Why ?
My first reason is: because I keep trying to do this, before I remember that it doesn't work. In my head an "upgrade" planner, a "deconstruction" planner, and a blueprint are the same thing - they all contain instructions about how to modify the stuff around me in some way. So, apparently I can't shake the expectation that they can all be thrown in the same library, or a deconstruction planner into a book with the blueprint it works with, etc.

The second is probably obvious, but rebuilding these feels dumb. I already know what goes in them, because I told the game a dozen times or more. I don't want to painfully click through the whitelisting process. Especially dealing with tiles, which I can't get in there any other way, so far as I can tell.

PS: I checked the existing threads on frequently requested features, and searched the forums, and couldn't find any duplicate of this. I'm sorry if I missed one, because I feel certain it *should* exist. I can't possibly be the only person to think this. :)
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Re: Planners: allow saving upgrade/deconstruction planners to the blueprint library

Post by mudcrabempire »

slippycheeze wrote: Sun Jul 07, 2019 11:07 pm I can't possibly be the only person to think this. :)
You aren't. When I started using the new planners I totally tried putting them in my library, fully expecting it to work.

I'm not using them so often, so it's not a big problem for me, but I can relate. It feels like you should be able to do it.
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Re: Adding redprints and greenprints prints to blueprint library

Post by Koub »

[Koub] Merged into older topic with same suggestion.
Koub - Please consider English is not my native language.
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Re: Adding redprints and greenprints prints to blueprint library

Post by SkiCarver »

yes please +1
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Re: Adding redprints and greenprints prints to blueprint library

Post by dgw »

Seconding (or whatever +1 count we're up to) this.

In particular, I think it would be useful for the blueprint library to support saving custom selection-tools as well. I'm not quite sure I understand why we can save and share blueprints, but not deconstruction planners, upgrade planners, or mod-added selection tools.
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Re: Adding redprints and greenprints prints to blueprint library

Post by Glad_S »

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Re: Planners: allow saving upgrade/deconstruction planners to the blueprint library

Post by csduff »

mudcrabempire wrote: Mon Jul 08, 2019 6:21 am You aren't. When I started using the new planners I totally tried putting them in my library, fully expecting it to work.
I tried that too. I'm still disappointed that I have to use a slot just to have a rocks and trees only deconstruction planner.
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Re: Adding redprints and greenprints prints to blueprint library

Post by GregoriusT »

Yes, why is this not a thing? I cant put Decon and Upgrade Planners on the Hotbars without also having them in my Inventory. This is very counter intuitive compared to Blueprints which just work, and there is no reason to not have a Deconstruction or Upgrade Blueprint Book for example. There is a reason why the Mod with the Trees&Rocks Deconstruction Planner in the Sidebar is so popular, because it is quick and simple to use.

(Happened to stumble upon this while searching for a pre-existing (Hazard-)Concrete related Suggestion and just had to agree, as I thought about this a lot myself.)
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