[0.17.53] Gaps visible between unmodified connected belt tiles at certain zoom levels with specific mod installed

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[0.17.53] Gaps visible between unmodified connected belt tiles at certain zoom levels with specific mod installed

Post by IronCartographer »

Despite not seeming to modify belts, having Alien Biomes (https://mods.factorio.com/mod/alien-biomes) installed results in small pixel gaps between connected belts at certain zoom levels.
alien biomes belt gaps.png
alien biomes belt gaps.png (685.58 KiB) Viewed 2640 times
bilka alien biomes belt gaps.png
bilka alien biomes belt gaps.png (2.56 MiB) Viewed 2640 times
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Re: [0.17.53] Gaps visible between unmodified connected belt tiles at certain zoom levels with specific mod installed

Post by posila »

Hello, please post your log.
On Windows, press Win + R, type in %APPDATA%\Factorio and click OK. File Explorer should open and you should see file called factorio-current.log. If you use macOS or Linux, see paths where to find the logs: https://wiki.factorio.com/Application_d ... _directory
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Re: [0.17.53] Gaps visible between unmodified connected belt tiles at certain zoom levels with specific mod installed

Post by invisus »

I've got the same issue, but without alien biomes.

In fact, after attaching a log with all my mods enabled, I tried disabling all my mods, and see the same or similar thing.

Reattached a new log with mods disabled, and a few screenshots. It's odd however, the "gaps" in-game seem a bit worse than they show in the screenshots.

(4.57 KiB) Downloaded 76 times
1.png (141.94 KiB) Viewed 2562 times
2.png (1011.31 KiB) Viewed 2562 times
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Re: [0.17.53] Gaps visible between unmodified connected belt tiles at certain zoom levels with specific mod installed

Post by posila »

invisus wrote: Sat Jul 06, 2019 6:00 amI've got the same issue, but without alien biomes.
Thank. You do have "force-linear-magnification" enabled, and the screenshot you posted is exactly reason why we removed Multisampling from graphics options back in 0.12. So, this is unrelated to the original post.
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Re: [0.17.53] Gaps visible between unmodified connected belt tiles at certain zoom levels with specific mod installed

Post by invisus »

posila wrote: Sat Jul 06, 2019 6:35 am
invisus wrote: Sat Jul 06, 2019 6:00 amI've got the same issue, but without alien biomes.
Thank. You do have "force-linear-magnification" enabled, and the screenshot you posted is exactly reason why we removed Multisampling from graphics options back in 0.12. So, this is unrelated to the original post.
Thank you!

No idea how long that's been enabled, or why...
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Re: [0.17.53] Gaps visible between unmodified connected belt tiles at certain zoom levels with specific mod installed

Post by posila »

invisus wrote: Sat Jul 06, 2019 7:13 am No idea how long that's been enabled, or why...
Oh ... nVidia Experience has "optimize game settings" feature, maybe AMD software has something similar that's what enabled it? Otherwise it can be enabled only by editing config.ini
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Re: [0.17.53] Gaps visible between unmodified connected belt tiles at certain zoom levels with specific mod installed

Post by IronCartographer »

Two other people have confirmed the exact issue, on both AMD and Nvidia systems, including Bilka (see second screenshot above).

Code: Select all

   0.000 2019-07-06 12:50:03; Factorio 0.17.54 (build 46015, win64, steam)
   0.000 Operating system: Windows 7
   0.000 Program arguments: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Factorio\bin\x64\Factorio.exe" "--wait-to-close" "1976" 
   0.000 Read data path: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Factorio/data
   0.000 Write data path: C:/Users/Iron/AppData/Roaming/Factorio [69913/307097MB]
   0.000 Binaries path: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Factorio/bin
   0.004 System info: [CPU: Intel Core Processor (Skylake), 6 cores, RAM: 9126/16383 MB, page: 15742/32765 MB, virtual: 173/8388607 MB, extended virtual: 0 MB]
   0.004 Display options: [FullScreen: 1] [VSync: 0] [UIScale: custom (150.0%)] [Native DPI: 1] [Screen: 255] [Special: 0000] [Lang: en]
   0.010 Available displays: 1
   0.010  [0]: \\.\DISPLAY1 - Radeon (TM) RX 480 Graphics {0x05, [0,0], 3840x2160, 32bit, 60Hz}
   0.046 [Direct3D11] Display: 0, Output: 0, DisplayAdapter: 0, RenderingAdapter: 0; d3dcompiler_47.dll
   0.083 Initialised Direct3D[0]: Radeon (TM) RX 480 Graphics; id: 1002-67df; driver: aticfx64.dll 26.20.12001.7006
   0.083   D3D Feature Level: 11.0, DXGI 1.2+, SwapChain: 1,discard,-,-,-,none
   0.083   BGR 565 Supported: No
   0.083   MaximumFrameLatency: 3, GPUThreadPriority: 0
   0.106 Desktop composition is active.
   0.106 Graphics settings preset: very-high
   0.106   Dedicated video memory size 8169 MB
   0.106 Graphics options: [Graphics quality: high] [Video memory usage: high] [Light scale: 39.7973%] [DXT: high-quality]
   0.106                   [Max load threads: 32] [Max texture size: 0] [Tex.Stream.: 1] [Rotation quality: normal] [Color: 32bit]
   0.113 DSound: Starting _dsound_update thread
   0.113 DSound: Enter _dsound_update; tid=1672
   0.192 Info ModManager.cpp:241: Found duplicate mod aai-industry, using higher version (0.3.11 > 0.3.10).
   0.195 Info ModManager.cpp:241: Found duplicate mod aai-industry, using higher version (0.3.12 > 0.3.11).
   0.198 Info ModManager.cpp:241: Found duplicate mod aai-industry, using higher version (0.3.15 > 0.3.12).
   0.200 Info ModManager.cpp:241: Found duplicate mod aai-industry, using higher version (0.3.16 > 0.3.15).
   0.204 Info ModManager.cpp:241: Found duplicate mod aai-industry, using higher version (0.3.17 > 0.3.16).
   0.209 Info ModManager.cpp:241: Found duplicate mod aai-industry, using higher version (0.3.20 > 0.3.17).
   0.292 Info ModManager.cpp:241: Found duplicate mod alien-biomes, using higher version (0.4.13 > 0.4.6).
   0.323 Info ModManager.cpp:241: Found duplicate mod alien-biomes, using higher version (0.4.14 > 0.4.13).
   0.356 Info ModManager.cpp:241: Found duplicate mod alien-biomes, using higher version (0.4.15 > 0.4.14).
   0.427 Info ModManager.cpp:241: Found duplicate mod DeathMarkers, using higher version (0.2.0 > 0.1.2).
   0.438 Info ModManager.cpp:241: Found duplicate mod Explosive_biters, using higher version (0.17.21 > 0.17.20).
   0.443 Info ModManager.cpp:241: Found duplicate mod factoryplanner, using higher version (0.17.16 > 0.17.15).
   0.443 Info ModManager.cpp:241: Found duplicate mod factoryplanner, using higher version (0.17.20 > 0.17.16).
   0.444 Info ModManager.cpp:241: Found duplicate mod factoryplanner, using higher version (0.17.23 > 0.17.20).
   0.445 Info ModManager.cpp:241: Found duplicate mod factoryplanner, using higher version (0.17.25 > 0.17.23).
   0.446 Info ModManager.cpp:241: Found duplicate mod factoryplanner, using higher version (0.17.26 > 0.17.25).
   0.463 Info ModManager.cpp:241: Found duplicate mod Hive_Mind, using higher version (0.2.0 > 0.1.15).
   0.464 Info ModManager.cpp:241: Found duplicate mod Hive_Mind, using higher version (0.3.1 > 0.2.0).
   0.465 Info ModManager.cpp:241: Found duplicate mod Hive_Mind, using higher version (0.3.2 > 0.3.1).
   0.465 Info ModManager.cpp:241: Found duplicate mod Hive_Mind, using higher version (0.3.3 > 0.3.2).
   0.466 Info ModManager.cpp:241: Found duplicate mod Hive_Mind, using higher version (0.3.4 > 0.3.3).
   0.467 Info ModManager.cpp:241: Found duplicate mod Hive_Mind, using higher version (0.3.5 > 0.3.4).
   0.467 Info ModManager.cpp:241: Found duplicate mod Hive_Mind, using higher version (0.3.6 > 0.3.5).
   0.486 Info ModManager.cpp:241: Found duplicate mod ModuleInserter, using higher version (4.1.4 > 4.1.2).
   0.487 Info ModManager.cpp:241: Found duplicate mod ModuleInserter, using higher version (4.1.5 > 4.1.4).
   0.542 Info ModManager.cpp:241: Found duplicate mod SchallLampContrast, using higher version (0.17.2 > 0.17.1).
   0.551 Info ModManager.cpp:241: Found duplicate mod SchallTankPlatoon, using higher version (0.17.8 > 0.17.7).
   0.560 Info ModManager.cpp:241: Found duplicate mod space-exploration, using higher version (0.1.69 > 0.1.57).
   0.565 Info ModManager.cpp:241: Found duplicate mod space-exploration, using higher version (0.1.81 > 0.1.69).
   0.569 Info ModManager.cpp:241: Found duplicate mod space-exploration, using higher version (0.1.82 > 0.1.81).
   0.572 Info ModManager.cpp:241: Found duplicate mod space-exploration, using higher version (0.1.93 > 0.1.82).
   0.574 Info ModManager.cpp:241: Found duplicate mod space-exploration, using higher version (0.1.94 > 0.1.93).
   0.578 Info ModManager.cpp:241: Found duplicate mod space-exploration, using higher version (0.1.95 > 0.1.94).
   0.581 Info ModManager.cpp:241: Found duplicate mod space-exploration, using higher version (0.1.113 > 0.1.95).
   0.608 Info ModManager.cpp:241: Found duplicate mod space-exploration, using higher version (0.1.115 > 0.1.113).
   0.647 Info ModManager.cpp:241: Found duplicate mod space-exploration-postprocess, using higher version (0.1.35 > 0.1.33).
   0.648 Info ModManager.cpp:241: Found duplicate mod space-exploration-postprocess, using higher version (0.1.36 > 0.1.35).
   0.649 Info ModManager.cpp:241: Found duplicate mod space-exploration-postprocess, using higher version (0.1.37 > 0.1.36).
   0.650 Info ModManager.cpp:241: Found duplicate mod space-exploration-postprocess, using higher version (0.1.38 > 0.1.37).
   0.657 Info ModManager.cpp:241: Found duplicate mod Teleportation, using higher version (0.17.4 > 0.16.1).
   0.663 Info ModManager.cpp:241: Found duplicate mod Unit_Control, using higher version (0.1.16 > 0.1.12).
   0.664 Info ModManager.cpp:241: Found duplicate mod Unit_Control, using higher version (0.1.20 > 0.1.16).
   0.664 Info ModManager.cpp:241: Found duplicate mod Unit_Control, using higher version (0.1.21 > 0.1.20).
   0.665 Info ModManager.cpp:241: Found duplicate mod Unit_Control, using higher version (0.1.22 > 0.1.21).
   0.688 Loading mod settings alien-biomes 0.4.15 (settings.lua)
   0.691 Loading mod core 0.0.0 (data.lua)
   0.756 Loading mod base 0.17.54 (data.lua)
   0.896 Loading mod alien-biomes 0.4.15 (data.lua)
   1.219 Loading mod base 0.17.54 (data-updates.lua)
   1.352 Loading mod alien-biomes 0.4.15 (data-updates.lua)
   1.479 Loading mod alien-biomes 0.4.15 (data-final-fixes.lua)
   1.502 Script @__alien-biomes__/data-final-fixes.lua:346: Setting decals to layer 162
   1.502 Script @__alien-biomes__/data-final-fixes.lua:452: logging tile layers
   1.507 Script @__alien-biomes__/data-final-fixes.lua:457: {
  ["layer 0"] = "out-of-map",
  ["layer 1"] = "water, water-green",
  ["layer 2"] = "deepwater, deepwater-green",
  ["layer 3"] = "water-shallow",
  ["layer 4"] = "water-mud",
  ["layer 5"] = "grass-1",
  ["layer 6"] = "mineral-purple-dirt-1",
  ["layer 7"] = "mineral-purple-dirt-2",
  ["layer 8"] = "mineral-purple-dirt-3",
  ["layer 9"] = "mineral-purple-dirt-4",
  ["layer 10"] = "mineral-purple-dirt-5",
  ["layer 11"] = "mineral-purple-dirt-6",
  ["layer 12"] = "mineral-purple-sand-1",
  ["layer 13"] = "mineral-purple-sand-2",
  ["layer 14"] = "mineral-purple-sand-3",
  ["layer 15"] = "mineral-violet-dirt-1",
  ["layer 16"] = "mineral-violet-dirt-2",
  ["layer 17"] = "mineral-violet-dirt-3",
  ["layer 18"] = "mineral-violet-dirt-4",
  ["layer 19"] = "mineral-violet-dirt-5",
  ["layer 20"] = "mineral-violet-dirt-6",
  ["layer 21"] = "mineral-violet-sand-1",
  ["layer 22"] = "mineral-violet-sand-2",
  ["layer 23"] = "mineral-violet-sand-3",
  ["layer 24"] = "mineral-red-dirt-1",
  ["layer 25"] = "mineral-red-dirt-2",
  ["layer 26"] = "mineral-red-dirt-3",
  ["layer 27"] = "mineral-red-dirt-4",
  ["layer 28"] = "mineral-red-dirt-5",
  ["layer 29"] = "mineral-red-dirt-6",
  ["layer 30"] = "mineral-red-sand-1",
  ["layer 31"] = "mineral-red-sand-2",
  ["layer 32"] = "mineral-red-sand-3",
  ["layer 33"] = "mineral-brown-dirt-1",
  ["layer 34"] = "mineral-brown-dirt-2",
  ["layer 35"] = "mineral-brown-dirt-3",
  ["layer 36"] = "mineral-brown-dirt-4",
  ["layer 37"] = "mineral-brown-dirt-5",
  ["layer 38"] = "mineral-brown-dirt-6",
  ["layer 39"] = "mineral-brown-sand-1",
  ["layer 40"] = "mineral-brown-sand-2",
  ["layer 41"] = "mineral-brown-sand-3",
  ["layer 42"] = "mineral-tan-dirt-1",
  ["layer 43"] = "mineral-tan-dirt-2",
  ["layer 44"] = "mineral-tan-dirt-3",
  ["layer 45"] = "mineral-tan-dirt-4",
  ["layer 46"] = "mineral-tan-dirt-5",
  ["layer 47"] = "mineral-tan-dirt-6",
  ["layer 48"] = "mineral-tan-sand-1",
  ["layer 49"] = "mineral-tan-sand-2",
  ["layer 50"] = "mineral-tan-sand-3",
  ["layer 51"] = "mineral-aubergine-dirt-1",
  ["layer 52"] = "mineral-aubergine-dirt-2",
  ["layer 53"] = "mineral-aubergine-dirt-3",
  ["layer 54"] = "mineral-aubergine-dirt-4",
  ["layer 55"] = "mineral-aubergine-dirt-5",
  ["layer 56"] = "mineral-aubergine-dirt-6",
  ["layer 57"] = "mineral-aubergine-sand-1",
  ["layer 58"] = "mineral-aubergine-sand-2",
  ["layer 59"] = "mineral-aubergine-sand-3",
  ["layer 60"] = "mineral-dustyrose-dirt-1",
  ["layer 61"] = "mineral-dustyrose-dirt-2",
  ["layer 62"] = "mineral-dustyrose-dirt-3",
  ["layer 63"] = "mineral-dustyrose-dirt-4",
  ["layer 64"] = "mineral-dustyrose-dirt-5",
  ["layer 65"] = "mineral-dustyrose-dirt-6",
  ["layer 66"] = "mineral-dustyrose-sand-1",
  ["layer 67"] = "mineral-dustyrose-sand-2",
  ["layer 68"] = "mineral-dustyrose-sand-3",
  ["layer 69"] = "mineral-beige-dirt-1",
  ["layer 70"] = "mineral-beige-dirt-2",
  ["layer 71"] = "mineral-beige-dirt-3",
  ["layer 72"] = "mineral-beige-dirt-4",
  ["layer 73"] = "mineral-beige-dirt-5",
  ["layer 74"] = "mineral-beige-dirt-6",
  ["layer 75"] = "mineral-beige-sand-1",
  ["layer 76"] = "mineral-beige-sand-2",
  ["layer 77"] = "mineral-beige-sand-3",
  ["layer 78"] = "mineral-cream-dirt-1",
  ["layer 79"] = "mineral-cream-dirt-2",
  ["layer 80"] = "mineral-cream-dirt-3",
  ["layer 81"] = "mineral-cream-dirt-4",
  ["layer 82"] = "mineral-cream-dirt-5",
  ["layer 83"] = "mineral-cream-dirt-6",
  ["layer 84"] = "mineral-cream-sand-1",
  ["layer 85"] = "mineral-cream-sand-2",
  ["layer 86"] = "mineral-cream-sand-3",
  ["layer 87"] = "mineral-black-dirt-1",
  ["layer 88"] = "mineral-black-dirt-2",
  ["layer 89"] = "mineral-black-dirt-3",
  ["layer 90"] = "mineral-black-dirt-4",
  ["layer 91"] = "mineral-black-dirt-5",
  ["layer 92"] = "mineral-black-dirt-6",
  ["layer 93"] = "mineral-black-sand-1",
  ["layer 94"] = "mineral-black-sand-2",
  ["layer 95"] = "mineral-black-sand-3",
  ["layer 96"] = "mineral-grey-dirt-1",
  ["layer 97"] = "mineral-grey-dirt-2",
  ["layer 98"] = "mineral-grey-dirt-3",
  ["layer 99"] = "mineral-grey-dirt-4",
  ["layer 100"] = "mineral-grey-dirt-5",
  ["layer 101"] = "mineral-grey-dirt-6",
  ["layer 102"] = "mineral-grey-sand-1",
  ["layer 103"] = "mineral-grey-sand-2",
  ["layer 104"] = "mineral-grey-sand-3",
  ["layer 105"] = "mineral-white-dirt-1",
  ["layer 106"] = "mineral-white-dirt-2",
  ["layer 107"] = "mineral-white-dirt-3",
  ["layer 108"] = "mineral-white-dirt-4",
  ["layer 109"] = "mineral-white-dirt-5",
  ["layer 110"] = "mineral-white-dirt-6",
  ["layer 111"] = "mineral-white-sand-1",
  ["layer 112"] = "mineral-white-sand-2",
  ["layer 113"] = "mineral-white-sand-3",
  ["layer 114"] = "vegetation-turquoise-grass-1",
  ["layer 115"] = "vegetation-turquoise-grass-2",
  ["layer 116"] = "vegetation-green-grass-1",
  ["layer 117"] = "vegetation-green-grass-2",
  ["layer 118"] = "vegetation-green-grass-3",
  ["layer 119"] = "vegetation-green-grass-4",
  ["layer 120"] = "vegetation-olive-grass-1",
  ["layer 121"] = "vegetation-olive-grass-2",
  ["layer 122"] = "vegetation-yellow-grass-1",
  ["layer 123"] = "vegetation-yellow-grass-2",
  ["layer 124"] = "vegetation-orange-grass-1",
  ["layer 125"] = "vegetation-orange-grass-2",
  ["layer 126"] = "vegetation-red-grass-1",
  ["layer 127"] = "vegetation-red-grass-2",
  ["layer 128"] = "vegetation-violet-grass-1",
  ["layer 129"] = "vegetation-violet-grass-2",
  ["layer 130"] = "vegetation-purple-grass-1",
  ["layer 131"] = "vegetation-purple-grass-2",
  ["layer 132"] = "vegetation-mauve-grass-1",
  ["layer 133"] = "vegetation-mauve-grass-2",
  ["layer 134"] = "vegetation-blue-grass-1",
  ["layer 135"] = "vegetation-blue-grass-2",
  ["layer 136"] = "volcanic-orange-heat-1",
  ["layer 137"] = "volcanic-orange-heat-2",
  ["layer 138"] = "volcanic-orange-heat-3",
  ["layer 139"] = "volcanic-orange-heat-4",
  ["layer 140"] = "volcanic-green-heat-1",
  ["layer 141"] = "volcanic-green-heat-2",
  ["layer 142"] = "volcanic-green-heat-3",
  ["layer 143"] = "volcanic-green-heat-4",
  ["layer 144"] = "volcanic-blue-heat-1",
  ["layer 145"] = "volcanic-blue-heat-2",
  ["layer 146"] = "volcanic-blue-heat-3",
  ["layer 147"] = "volcanic-blue-heat-4",
  ["layer 148"] = "volcanic-purple-heat-1",
  ["layer 149"] = "volcanic-purple-heat-2",
  ["layer 150"] = "volcanic-purple-heat-3",
  ["layer 151"] = "volcanic-purple-heat-4",
  ["layer 152"] = "frozen-snow-0",
  ["layer 153"] = "frozen-snow-1",
  ["layer 154"] = "frozen-snow-2",
  ["layer 155"] = "frozen-snow-3",
  ["layer 156"] = "frozen-snow-4",
  ["layer 157"] = "frozen-snow-5",
  ["layer 158"] = "frozen-snow-6",
  ["layer 159"] = "frozen-snow-7",
  ["layer 160"] = "frozen-snow-8",
  ["layer 161"] = "frozen-snow-9",
  ["layer 162"] = "landfill",
  ["layer 163"] = "sand-1",
  ["layer 164"] = "sand-2",
  ["layer 165"] = "sand-3",
  ["layer 166"] = "red-desert-1",
  ["layer 167"] = "red-desert-2",
  ["layer 168"] = "red-desert-3",
  ["layer 169"] = "dry-dirt",
  ["layer 170"] = "dirt-1",
  ["layer 171"] = "dirt-2",
  ["layer 172"] = "dirt-3",
  ["layer 173"] = "dirt-4",
  ["layer 174"] = "dirt-5",
  ["layer 175"] = "dirt-6",
  ["layer 176"] = "dirt-7",
  ["layer 177"] = "grass-2",
  ["layer 178"] = "grass-3",
  ["layer 179"] = "grass-4",
  ["layer 180"] = "red-desert-0",
  ["layer 181"] = "stone-path",
  ["layer 182"] = "concrete",
  ["layer 183"] = "hazard-concrete-left, hazard-concrete-right",
  ["layer 184"] = "refined-concrete",
  ["layer 185"] = "refined-hazard-concrete-left, refined-hazard-concrete-right",
  ["layer 186"] = "lab-dark-1",
  ["layer 187"] = "lab-dark-2",
  ["layer 188"] = "lab-white",
  ["layer 189"] = "tutorial-grid"
   1.630 Checksum for core: 2486543994
   1.630 Checksum of base: 2542100768
   1.630 Checksum of alien-biomes: 1100617421
   1.863 Loading sounds...
   1.889 Info PlayerData.cpp:69: Local player-data.json unavailable
   1.889 Info PlayerData.cpp:72: Cloud player-data.json available, timestamp 1562379132
   2.056 Initial atlas bitmap size is 16384
   2.082 Created atlas bitmap 16384x16380 [none]
   2.083 Created atlas bitmap 16384x4300 [none]
   2.083 Created atlas bitmap 16384x4748 [decal]
   2.084 Created atlas bitmap 16384x4448 [low-object, linear-minification]
   2.084 Created atlas bitmap 16384x3648 [mipmap, linear-minification, linear-magnification, linear-mip-level]
   2.085 Created atlas bitmap 16384x11840 [terrain, mipmap, linear-minification, linear-mip-level]
   2.085 Created atlas bitmap 4096x1600 [smoke, mipmap, linear-minification, linear-magnification]
   2.085 Created atlas bitmap 4096x1712 [icon, not-compressed, mipmap, linear-minification, linear-magnification, linear-mip-level]
   2.085 Created atlas bitmap 2048x192 [icon-background, not-compressed, mipmap, linear-minification, linear-magnification, linear-mip-level, ]
   2.085 Created atlas bitmap 8192x1736 [alpha-mask]
   2.087 Created atlas bitmap 16384x12644 [shadow, linear-magnification, alpha-mask]
   2.088 Created atlas bitmap 16384x4032 [shadow, mipmap, linear-magnification, alpha-mask]
   2.139 Created virtual atlas pages 4096x4096x7
   2.139 Atlases were not loaded from disk cache.
   2.143 Texture processor created (2048). GPU accelerated compression Supported: yes, Enabled: yes/yes. Test passed. YCoCgDXT PSNR: 35.83, BC3 PSNR: 33.82
   4.233 Parallel Sprite Loader initialized (threads: 5)
  13.092 Sprites loaded
  14.123 Sprite atlas cached.
  14.135 Generated mipmaps (4) for atlas [3] of size 16384x4448   
  14.146 Generated mipmaps (3) for atlas [4] of size 16384x3648   
  14.157 Generated mipmaps (3) for atlas [5] of size 16384x11840   
  14.167 Generated mipmaps (3) for atlas [6] of size 4096x1600   
  14.178 Generated mipmaps (4) for atlas [7] of size 4096x1712   
  14.189 Generated mipmaps (3) for atlas [11] of size 16384x4032   
  14.189 Custom mipmaps uploaded.
  14.367 Generated mipmaps for virtual atlas of size 8192x16384
  14.370 Custom inputs active: 0
  14.428 Factorio initialised
  66.439 Loading level.dat: 1897083 bytes.
  66.440 Info Scenario.cpp:187: Map version 0.17.54-2
  66.563 Checksum for script C:/Users/Iron/AppData/Roaming/Factorio/temp/currently-playing/control.lua: 4258127462
with log.png
with log.png (1.26 MiB) Viewed 2528 times
Factorio Staff
Factorio Staff
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Re: [0.17.53] Gaps visible between unmodified connected belt tiles at certain zoom levels with specific mod installed

Post by Bilka »

Here is a log from me for completeness, I can reproduce the issue on a completely different PC than what my screenshot is from.
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Re: [0.17.53] Gaps visible between unmodified connected belt tiles at certain zoom levels with specific mod installed

Post by invisus »

After a bit more scrutiny, I've noticed that the issue persists. Although better it has not completely abated for me. It still happens with "; force-linear-magnification=false" albeit, it happens on fewer levels of zoom. Down to 2-3 levels where this is noticeable, from 6-8'ish.

Note: Visually, in-game the gap is much more stark. I'm pretty sure the snip tool is "smoothing" this a bit.

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Re: [0.17.53] Gaps visible between unmodified connected belt tiles at certain zoom levels with specific mod installed

Post by posila »

In 0.17.55 I've cleaned up belt spritesheets, so belt sprites are properly cropped and have their borders duplicated, which fixes the issue with straight belts. However, belt curve sprites are made in a way that make tiling hard when scaling sprites, so the seam still might be visible on them.
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Re: [0.17.53] Gaps visible between unmodified connected belt tiles at certain zoom levels with specific mod installed

Post by invisus »

posila wrote: Thu Jul 11, 2019 7:42 am In 0.17.55 I've cleaned up belt spritesheets, so belt sprites are properly cropped and have their borders duplicated, which fixes the issue with straight belts. However, belt curve sprites are made in a way that make tiling hard when scaling sprites, so the seam still might be visible on them.
Not sure why I never a got/noticed a notification about this, but...

I was just playing back through the campai...er, introdu-*herm*, I mean demo(?) and only after ~60 minutes in, did I notice the issue was gone. Came back here to see if there was an update, sure enough! I didn't notice the curved belts' "seam" until I saw your comment and went looking for them.

Thanks posila!
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