Change the number of divisions in the production graph x-axis to 20 instead of 21

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Change the number of divisions in the production graph x-axis to 20 instead of 21

Post by MadMojoMonkey »

The x-axis labels on the production graph have "weird" decimals, due to the number of divisions not aligning well with the max value.
What ?
I suggest changing the number of major tick lines in the production graph from 21 to 20.
IDK if this is "best" for the 50h+ production graphs, but it's not worse, IMO. Perhaps 25 major tick lines on those makes more sense, but I'm not making multiple suggestions, here.

Image of the current situation

I can't easily produce an image of my solution, but in the image I provided, each x-axis value would be a multiple of 0.5.
For the 1 minute graph, the ticks would be multiples of 3 s.
For the 1 hour graph, the ticks would be multiples of 3 min.
For the 10 hour graph, the ticks would be multiples of 30 min.

/You should should prefer to upload images onto this forum to make sure your idea is readable in a year or more!/
IDK how to do this. I'm happy to edit this OP if someone corrects my ignorance.

Why ?
The current x-axis values are less intuitive than they could be. This change would streamline the readability of those graphs.
Bad major tick lines.png
Bad major tick lines.png (10.94 KiB) Viewed 994 times
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Re: Change the number of divisions in the production graph x-axis to 20 instead of 21

Post by Meggal_Bozale »


I usually don't look at the numbers on it for THAT reason; it's just decimated too much. If it was at a better scale for readability, I feel it would have much more usage. +1 to your idea!
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