[0.17.52] Sideloading failure, video attached

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[0.17.52] Sideloading failure, video attached

Post by nailfoot »

See the attached video, I can't really explain this with words only!

Apparently, sideloading is not prioritizing the correct belt. This has not been a problem in the past, and I haven't seen this bug reported elsewhere.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nqt4kdz ... e=youtu.be

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Re: [0.17.52] Sideloading failure, video attached

Post by tehfreek »

I was completely unable to replicate your results using Creative Mode. I suspect something in-memory got flipped somehow and it's unique to this map.

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Re: [0.17.52] Sideloading failure, video attached

Post by boskid »

Duplicate 62553

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Re: [0.17.52] Sideloading failure, video attached

Post by nailfoot »

Thanks for that link to the duplicate. That's pretty old, and I don't recall ever seeing this in any of my games over 2000 hours.

In the thread you posted, he was feeding into a faster belt which makes this a different thing though, in my opinion.

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Re: [0.17.52] Sideloading failure, video attached

Post by boskid »

Belts are using "transport lines" internally (efficiency reasons). They span multiple belt segments of same speed but sometimes they do not merge. Near this connection point there may be issues with sideloading. To see where they are, use debug option "show-transport-lines", there are arrows where transport line ends.

Example save with replay where i managed to force sideloading on full yellow belt. Different belt speed forces transport lines to split, but they can also be split just because of circular belt or because of belt length.
(190.22 KiB) Downloaded 105 times

Special save with replay for you: transport line split because of belt length (transport line is about 200 tiles long giving you about 0.5% chance to hit this point by coincidence and there is this side-loading happening)
(440.46 KiB) Downloaded 93 times

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