UPS related lag spikes.

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UPS related lag spikes.

Post by andre2 »

I have lag spikes. And then from one second to another, UPS jumps back to 60. I have a base in Krastorio mod, which is maybe 1/7 of what I had in 0.16 with Pyanodon Mod. Also when I restart my computer, for some time I have 60 UPS.
Any ideas what it could be?

EDIT: I monitored the CPU in Windows task manager and it wasnt hitting 100%.
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Re: UPS related lag spikes.

Post by Jap2.0 »

The CPU probably won't show as hitting 100%. Factorio is largely single-threaded, so you could still be cpu-bound if you have 4 cores and task manager shows 25-30% usage. Factorio can also be bottlenecked by memory latency.

If you want more specific advice, post a log (%appdata%/Factorio/factorio-current.log by default) and a screenshot with the debug (F4) options show-fps and show-time-usage enabled.
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Re: UPS related lag spikes.

Post by andre2 »

I still need to make the screenshot for when the issue is there.
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Re: UPS related lag spikes.

Post by andre2 »

sorry that you had to wait.
beneath other reasons I also had to figure out how screenshots work. I thought the button was PRINT.
I attached some recent screenshots and the current *.log.
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Re: UPS related lag spikes.

Post by mmmPI »

From the picture, the things that are causing this seems to be Transport Line , Fluid manager and Entity updates, which seems normal in the case of a huge base are those are the things that usually takes the more time to be processed when everything is fine, you want those to be the limiting factor, but it shouldn't spike as much.

I have never used Krastorio, and Pyanodon's mods it was many updates ago, so i have no guess at what could cause that, you could provide a save-file (located in the saves folder in the Application directory) so anyone can have a look at what on the map could create that, maybe a configuration of belts/splitters/pipes/inserters that you didn't used before that cost a lot of CPU, and you happend to have it blueprinted everywhere because it serve another purpose, that's often why i end on the forum :)

Edit: After second look , we can't really read the upper part of the time usage , that is what tells if the games slows because of the graphical aspect, not processing what is going in the factory, it could also have an impact, have you tried with different graphical settings ?
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Re: UPS related lag spikes.

Post by andre2 »

Ok, so the GUI elements block the info.
I´ll try around to make the info visible.
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Re: UPS related lag spikes.

Post by andre2 »

Her is the save. Let me know, if you need the mod list.
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Re: UPS related lag spikes.

Post by mmmPI »

I have not experienced spikes when I tried the save, my old laptop could run it at around 45 fps/ups and it was pretty stable with those settings:
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I have no further clues :(
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Re: UPS related lag spikes.

Post by Loewchen »

I would look at the CPU/GPU temps when playing.
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Re: UPS related lag spikes.

Post by andre2 »

It starts out stable for maybe 30 minutes. Maybe it is indeed a heat issue.
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Re: UPS related lag spikes.

Post by mmmPI »

I use to monitor the temperature on my laptop ( from 2009 ). It has a option to make a chart for the temperature of the CPU and GPU for the last 15 minutes, you can also make it beep or increase fan speed when it reach a threshold, but i usually prefer playing with /c game.speed = 0.8 or even lower because i don't like the noise of the fan.

Also with the power saving options, i have reduced the maximum frequency of the CPU, same thing as when you are on low battery, this prevent it from overheating and doesn't show in game when speed is also reduced.

It is no magic but it may get rid of the "spikes" that are frustrating.
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Re: UPS related lag spikes.

Post by andre2 »

That is interesting. I have a Lenovo E320 laptop. This one and other Lenovo Laptops are known for having bad fan control.
I use a software called TPFanControl which helps alot. It adds 7 different fan speeds to the laptop. The laptop itself only has 3 or so.
This software helps alot with noise and heat control as it rises fan speed earlier and can go 100% earlier than the basic Lenovo setup.

I will take aother look into Speedfan. I think I have tried it before 2 years ago but was not capable to use it well.
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Re: UPS related lag spikes.

Post by andre2 »

I think I can remove maybe 5000 of belt by using Deadlock´s Beltboxes which stack items into stacks of 5. So a x45 belt becomes a x225 belt. It is like work, as you have to do it manually for every installment which needs iron plate, copperplate, green chips and so on.
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Re: UPS related lag spikes.

Post by boran_blok »

the question then becomes, how much UPS does the stacking and unstacking create?
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Re: UPS related lag spikes.

Post by Zavian »

Loewchen wrote: Tue Jun 25, 2019 11:50 am I would look at the CPU/GPU temps when playing.
Yeah that was one of the possibilities that immediately occurred to me looking at the log + screenshots. Another was windows running short on ram and swapping to disk. From memory there have also been some issues with Intel HD graphics 3000 that the devs (Posilla ?) have been working on that might also be relevant.
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