more intelligent target selection for units

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more intelligent target selection for units

Post by kyranzor »

currently in my Robot Army mod, if i send a group of units out to attack a nest, the path-finder gets them a path to go in the close proximity of the nest, and i'm using the area_attack command to send them there.

When they get there, the friendly units might pull some initial biters and kill them well enough - but when they get within sight of the nests or worms, they seem to prioritize the nests and worms more than the biters which are quite literally biting them, and they are sometimes even trying to walk around/through swarms of biters just to get closer to be in firing range of the nests/worms.

It could be because i'm using "distraction=defines.distraction.by_anything" that is causing it. If I use "distraction=defines.distraction.by_enemy" instead, will they pay less attention to the 'buildings' category of nests and worms and focus more on killing the closest enemy "units" instead?

Can there be some additional logic put in for the targeting of nearby enemies, where "units" are highest priority, and everything else comes second?
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Re: more intelligent target selection for units

Post by mmmPI »

Last time I used robots army i sent waves of small range basic robots to act as meatshields for the bigger longer range rocket one and to draw the fire of the worms.

It was working quite ok as a workaround for the problem you mention for the numbers of ennemy i had to deal with, i had 70/100 robots, mixed with 75% small range meat shield or so.

I tried to make it so the long range robots never had too many targets in their radius because of overwhelming fire power. The nests and biters were small enough to achieve that with those numbers.

When i could achieve that they were trading very effiently versus ennemy.

But it was painful to see them stand in the acid on the floor when they reload, once the meat shield were gone, i tried to have them retreat which worked fine.
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Re: more intelligent target selection for units

Post by kyranzor »


In recent versions of Robot Army, I actually have disabled the acid on the ground from the biters'/worm's attacks. The damage per tick is just too high, was wrecking all the robot units and it takes too much effort to properly balance it.
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Re: more intelligent target selection for units

Post by mmmPI »

Next time no retreat will be allowed then, hopefully they got smarter, for them !
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