Blueprint ghost on water

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Blueprint ghost on water

Post by wellczech »

Blueprints should make ghost on water, so it's easier to know where to landfill.
What ?
When player pastes blueprint, it doesn't leave a ghost on water. This makes it hard to guess, where landfill should go to satisfy blueprint requirements. Pasting blueprint covering water should automatically place landfill, similarly as it can now remove trees or stones.
Why ?
Players want to have accurate placement on the water, because of aesthetic reasons or they need accurate land/water border for water pump placement.
One workaround is to go to use creative mod, make a lake, fill it with landfill and paste blueprint there. Then make a new blueprint, so it contains landfill. Then it can be used in game again. Suggestion will improve user experience.
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Re: Blueprint ghost on water

Post by Dune »

This is a great idea!
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Re: Blueprint ghost on water

Post by Koub »

An alternative that has already been suggested, is to add an option to blueprints "landfill underneath wherever needed".
Proof of concept in this mod :
Koub - Please consider English is not my native language.
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Re: Blueprint ghost on water

Post by Tekillaa »


I was looking this idea : when we press "Shift" to build the blue print, for the same reason trees and rocks are removed, land fill should be "set" in the build in game in that situation. Trying to make some oil processing near from water or other process requiring water, it can be handy to have this option instead of adding landfill on all my BP.


Factorio is awesome!
It should be add in the game: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=67650 :)
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