What do I have? I call it a sector-based train system: each sector has inputs delivered by train, which are processed into the sector product, which is made available to be picked up by delivery trains from other sectors. For example the basic green circuit sector has trains to pick up iron and copper plates, which it transforms into circuits, which are delivered to red circuits etc. Those delivery trains work fine with the new train GUI; they have one station to pick up and one to deliver.
I also place a siding in each sector, so I can go visit any sector using my personal transport, and have a place to park that does not block any of the "working" trains. Each siding is named for its sector e.g. Siding Green circuit. As I add sectors, I add each siding to the "schedule" for my personal transport. I use the product for the sector as the condition for that stop so I have a visual indicator as well as the sector name. When I want to visit a sector, I jump in my train, and select the siding from the list.
For the first 20 sectors it worked great. For the next 100 sectors (up to 120 stations) it was okay. I am approaching 200 sectors and I just can't do this any more. Scroll down past every single existing station to get to the end of the list in order to add each new sector; then move it to its correct place in the list (which might be very close to the top). Scroll down through the list to find the sector each time I want to visit. Yes the ones I visit most are near the top but they can't all be at the top

Ideally I would like the ability to group stations, and to hide the contents of a group, as if it was a display of folders. Having the ability to search for a station in the schedule would also help. I do understand that this isn't a priority for the developers, for the huge majority of the schedules that contain two or at most a handful of stations.
Yes I do use the new ability to set a temporary stop, but it is almost as much pain to manually scroll around the map to find the station I want to go to as to scroll through the list of stations.
Just for curiosity, how many stations do you have in your largest train schedule?
Personal transport train schedule snapshot: